受付中Zasshikai seminar 1934th, Prof. Dr. Mei-Xiang Wang, “Zigzag Aromatic Belts and Beyond”


  • 日時
    2024/6/5 16:00~
  • 会場
    4F Lecture Room, Chemistry Main Bldg.
  • 講師
    Prof. Dr. Mei-Xiang Wang (Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University)
  • 演目
    "Zigzag Aromatic Belts and Beyond"
  • 担当
    Prof. Eiichi Nakamura (Ext. 24356), Department of Chemistry, School of Science

“Revolutionizing Chemistry with the Fjord-Stitching Strategy! Since 1954, the quest for zigzag aromatic belts has been a scientific challenge. Our breakthrough approach transforms affordable resorcin[n]arene derivatives into innovative belt[n]arenes, including the first fully conjugated belt[8]arene. This method unlocks a spectrum of zigzag-type molecular belts, offering unique molecular recognition properties with exciting applications in supramolecular chemistry. Discover how we’re pushing the boundaries and shaping the future of chemical science!”
