終了Zasshikai seminar 1939th, Prof. Talal MALLAH, “Engineering the magnetic properties of cyanide-bridged molecular materials: from molecules to nanoparticles”


  • 日時
    2024/5/29 15:00~16:30
  • 会場
    4F Lecture Room, Chemistry Main Bldg.→5F Auditorium, Chemistry Main Bldg.
  • 講師
    Prof. Talal MALLAH (Distinguished Professor, Univ. Paris Sud 11)
  • 演目
    "Engineering the magnetic properties of cyanide-bridged molecular materials: from molecules to nanoparticles"
  • 担当
    Prof. Shin-ichi Ohkoshi (ext. 24331), Department of Chemistry, School of Science


*This is one of “Advanced Physical Chemistry Ⅳ(35606-0017)” for both graduate students.
