

【中止】【重要】2020年度修士博士入進学者ガイダンスについて 【Cancellation】 New Master and Doctor Course students

【中止】 2020年度 修士博士入進学者

昨日小池都知事の緊急記者会見がありました通り、 現在の状況を感染爆発の重大局面と捉え、今週末については不要不急の外出を自粛することが要請されました。これに伴い 4月 2日(木)化学本館 5階ホワイエでの学生証と入学に関する資料の配布を中止します 。



【Cancellation】 New Master and Doctor Course students
As the Emergency press conference of Governor Koike yesterday, the
current situation is considered a serious situation, and it was
requested that self restraint of unnecessary and urgent outings be
made this weekend. Along with this, we will cancel distributing the
student ID and admission materials at the foyer on the 5th floor of the
Chemistry Main Building on April 2 (Thu).
The distribution will begin at each laboratory after April 6, so please
contact the laboratory directly and pick them up.

Chemistry office

2020 年度修士博士入進学者
New Master and Doctor Course students

Though the information session for graduate school students is cancelled to
prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, we will hand out student ID cards
and materials on the following date and time. Please confirm your student
number and come to pick up within the following time.

日程:4月2日(木) (Thursday April 2nd, 2020)
場所:化学本館5階講堂前ホワイエ (5th Floor foyer, Chemistry Main Bldg.)

*配布資料内にある「連絡先登録用紙」を4 月24日までにChemアドレスを取得


* If you are an internal student, please bring your previous student ID card. It is

* Please make “chem” email address and submit “Contact Information Form” in
the handout to the Chemistry Office by April 24.
* Please register “Current Address Information” in UTAS.
Please note that you will not receive a notification from UTAS if you do not
register your email address.

9:45 ~ 10:00 学籍番号 35206228 ~ 35206238
10:00 ~ 10:15 学籍番号 35206239 ~ 35206248
10:15 ~ 10:30 学籍番号 35206249 ~ 35206258

13:30 ~ 13:45 学籍番号 35206259 ~ 35206268
13:45 ~ 14:00 学籍番号 35206269 ~ 35206278
14:00 ~ 14:15 学籍番号 35206279 ~ 35206288
15:15 ~ 15:30 学籍番号 35206289 ~ 35206304
15:30 ~ 15:45 学籍番号 35207114 ~ 35207128
15:45 ~ 16:00 学籍番号 35207129 ~ 35207144
