


平成29年度Aセメスター化学専攻における教務上の注意事項について/Point to note on Academic Affairs


【教務上の注意/Point to note on Academic Affairs】

1: 大学院の教務関係の届出と規則 Regulations

2:教務関係の連絡事項 Notice concerning academic affairs

3:(新入生)住所登録等 (New enrolled students) Contact address registration

⇒ 提出期限 10月6日(金)正午 (化学事務室)  Deadline: by 12:00 Friday, October 6th (Chemistry office)

4:学事日程 Academic schedule


Grant for the Promotion of Doctorate Researchers (for Doctoral course students only)

6:履修登録・シラバス UTAS: Course registration, syllabus

⇒履修登録期間 9/25(月)~10/6(金) Registration Period : (Mon.) Sep. 25- (Fri.) Oct. 6


※Any course registration or modification won’t be allowed after the “Course registration Period”.

⇒「履修科目控」 化学事務室提出締切 10月11日(水)正午

“the copy of course registration” at the Chemistry office by 12:00 Wednesday October 11.


【履修上の注意事項  Points to Note on Registration for Courses】

1:化学専攻の修了に必要な単位数 Compulsory subjects for chemistry majors

2:他専攻・他研究科・学部講義の履修 Taking lectures in other departments, graduate schools, and faculties

3:研究倫理  “Research Ethics”

4:科学英語演習  English for Scientific Researchers

5:基礎科目の履修  Study of basic subjects


Consortium on Education and Research on Advanced Laser Science (the CORAL program)

7:理工連携科目 Science – Engineering Cooperation Subject

8:化学専攻開講科目の日本語開講 Lectures to be given in Japanese at the Department of Chemistry

9:集中講義  Intensive Courses

10:開講日 Schedule for S semester lectures

