


学研災付帯賠償責任保険について(学研賠Aコース) Personal Liability Insurance for Students – supplementary to the Disaster and Accident Insurance for Students

日本国内外において、学生が正課中、学校行事中、課外活動中またはその往復において、他人にけがをさせたり、他人の財物を損壊したことにより、法律 上の損害賠償責任を負担することによって被る損害について保険金を支払う制度です。詳細 は添付ファイルを確認してください。

Students (the insured) will be covered up to the limit of payment against damages for which,

during the period of this insurance,they may be held legally liable to pay in Japan or

abroad for injuring a third party or damaging any property belonging to a third party, etc.

during their curricular activities, school events, extracurricular activities (Note 1), or

commuting to and from them.


All students are covered by Gakkensai(Personal Accident Insurance for

Students Pursuing Education and Research) on entering university.


“Liability Insurance Coupled with PAS” will cover other issues out of Gakkensai(Basic Insurance).


We would recommend you to take out 学研災付帯賠償責任保険 (Liability Insurance Coupled with PAS)

if you have chance to participate in courses, make experiments or

use facilities in out side of U of Tokyo.



※Entering A course is required for students who study at 宇宙航空研究開発機構 or 高エネルギー加速器研究機構.

Counter in charge:Chemistry Office(Kagaku Honkan #1101)


Necessary Documents : Student ID and Insurance Premium


*保険料/ Insurance Premium
1年間 340円, 2年間 680円, 3年間 1020円

JPY340/1 year, JPY680/2 years, JPY1,020/3 years
