
Yu-Hsuan Kuo

Postdoctoral Fellow

City/country of origin
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
soccer, music, anime, brewing coffee and cooking
Places You Like
where is not so hot and humid
Where for a big vacation
What are your strong points?
patience and enjoying listening to people
Music: what is some intense music for intense lab work?
any music is good
What are people in the lab doing?
mostly doing experiments
What was surprising about the suga lab
have so many own instruments
Original motivation towards science?
pure curiosity about the mysterious nature
A few words for future lab mates
Glad to meet you :)
Science is…….
what we can use to understand this world and make it better

Education & professional career

PhD, Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
April, 2019-May, 2020
Visiting Researcher, Prof. Tanaka’s Lab, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Japan
Postdoc, Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan


Contact info

    • E-mail… yhkuo"at"chem.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp (change "at" to @)