
Nicholas Loh Yi Bin 

Doctor course student

City/country of origin
Playing bass, cooking
Places You Like
Quiet and not too crowded places
Where for a big vacation
Western Europe
What are your strong points?
Curiosity and creativity
Music: what is some intense music for intense lab work?
手をたたけ by Nico Touches the Walls
What are people in the lab doing?
Having fun with chemistry
What was surprising about the suga lab
The level of academic freedom and supportive lab mates
Original motivation towards science?
The excitement of learning and discovering new things with every experiment.
A few words for future lab mates
Be prepared to have a lot of fun
Science is…….
a great adventure!

Education & professional career

B. Eng., Department of Applied Chemistry, Waseda University


Contact info

    • E-mail… nicholaslyb"at"g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp (change "at" to @)