
Yuki Kashiwa

Doctor course student

City/country of origin
Hyogo, Japan
Playing soccer, baseball and skiing, Seeing around historical places, comic books
Places You Like
Super comfortable my bed
Where for a big vacation
Anywhere is fine with some delicious food and clean water
What are your strong points?
I do not care about small things
Music: what is some intense music for intense lab work?
FLOW, 「Go!!!」 (I hope you are a big fun of Naruto)
What are people in the lab doing?
Discussing what to eat for dinner
What was surprising about the suga lab
You can hardly meet real Suga san
Original motivation towards science?
I wish my discovery would benefit Japanese society
A few words for future lab mates
When you have a difficult time, don’t be reluctant to tell others
Science is…….
not perfect. It is one form of culture.

Education & professional career

B.Sc., Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University
M. Sc., Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo (Prof, Hiroaki Suga)
Doctor Course Student, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo (Prof, Hiroaki Suga)


Contact info

    • E-mail… Kashiwa-yuki13"at"g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp (change "at" to @)