List of AWARDS
- 2019.08.28
Dr. Ryo Takahata (Tsukuda Laboratory, Graduated on 2018) was selected as a finalist of the Reaxys PhD Prize 2019. Congratulations!
- 2019.08.28
Mr. Tatsuya Higaki (Tsukuda Laboratory, Graduated on 2015) was selected as a finalist of the Reaxys PhD Prize 2019. Congratulations!
- 2019.06.28
Dr. Naohiro Terasaka was awarded Young Scientist Award at the Joint Annual Meeting of 71st JSCB & 19th PSSJ. Congratulations!
- 2019.06.26
Assistant Professor Kana Yamada was selected to represent Xenon in the Periodic Table of Younger Chemists for the celebration of IUPAC100 and IYPT. Congratulations!
- 2019.06.25
Dr. Takashi Hiroi was awarded Poster Presentation Award at the Symposium on Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Sciences 16. Congratulations!
- 2019.05.16
Assistant Professor Shinjiro Takano won the Nanoscale Horizons Award at The 17th Annual Meeting of the Society of Nano Science and Technology. Congratulations!
- 2019.04.26
Assistant Professor Olaf Stefanczyk was awarded CSJ Presentation Award 2019 at The 99th CSJ Annual Meeting. Congratulations!
- 2019.04.24
Assistant Professor Takashi Hiroi was awarded Best presentation award at the 99th CSJ Annual Meeting.Congratulations!
- 2019.04.23
Assistant Professor Taisuke Matsuno received the presentation prize at the 99th annual meeting of the chemical society of Japan. Congratulations!
- 2019.04.23
Assistant Professor Koki Ikemoto was awarded CSJ Lecture Award for Young Chemists at the 45th Meeting of the The 99th CSJ Annual Meeting.Congratulations!