Department of Chemistry School of Science, The University of Tokyo

Zasshikai Lectureship


Established in 2012, Zasshikai Lectureship is one of Zasshikai (Journal Club)'s programs in the Department of Chemistry. The goal of the prestigious lectureship is to invite a few young, world-leading researchers every year to give lectures about their cutting-edge research to faculty and students in the department.


化学特別講義Ⅳ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅳ

Prof. Christine Aikens
Unraveling Nanoparticle Properties using Theoretical Methods
Lecturer: Prof. Christine Aikens (Kansas State University)
Date: 2024/7/18
Host: Prof. Tsukuda

化学特別講義Ⅵ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅵ

Dr. Lim Jongwoo
Dynamics of lithium-ion batteries and their implication for electrocatalysis
Lecturer: Dr. Lim Jongwoo (Seoul National University)
Date: 2024/7/11
Host: Prof. Hitosugi

化学特別講義Ⅴ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅴ

Dr. Sheel C. Dodani
Exploiting the Plasticity of Anion Binding Proteins for Biosensing
Lecturer: Dr. Sheel C. Dodani (The University of Texas at Dallas)
Date: 2024/6/20
Host: Prof. Campbell


化学特別講義Ⅰ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅰ

Prof. Nicholas Chilton
Spin dynamics and coupling in the f-block
Lecturer: Prof. Nicholas Chilton (The University of Manchester)
Date: 2023/10/13
Host: Prof. Ohkoshi

化学特別講義Ⅲ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅲ

Dr. Alexandr N. Simonov
Sustainable electrosynthesis of hydrogen and ammonia
Lecturer: Dr. Alexandr N. Simonov (School of Chemistry, Monash University)
Date: 2023/6/22
Host: Prof. Yamada

化学特別講義Ⅱ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅱ

Prof. Hans Renata
Combining Synthetic Chemistry and Biology for Streamlining Access to Complex Molecules
Lecturer: Prof. Hans Renata (Department of Chemistry, Rice University)
Date: 2023/6/21
Host: Prof. Oguri


化学特別講義Ⅶ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅶ

Prof. Yun Seok Hyun
Laser Particles for Single-Cell Analysis
Lecturer: Prof. Yun Seok Hyun (Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School)
Date: 2022/10/28
Host: Prof. Goda

化学特別講義Ⅷ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅷ

Prof. Yi-Tsu Chan
Molecular Self-Assembly Methodology
Lecturer: Prof. Yi-Tsu Chan (Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University)
Date: 2022/11/9
Host: Prof. Kobayashi


化学特別講義Ⅳ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry IV

Dr. XIE, Jianping
Total Synthesis of Metallic Molecules
Lecturer: Dr. XIE, Jianping(National University of Singapore)
Date: 2021/12/10
Host: Prof. Tsukuda


化学特別講義Ⅷ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VIII

Prof. Marcin Stepien
Carbon-Rich π-Aromatic Surfaces: Topology, Curvature, and Function
Lecturer: Prof. Marcin Stepien(Uniwersytet Wrocławski)
Date: 2019/11/7
Host: Prof. Isobe

化学特別講義Ⅶ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VII

Prof. Lapo Bogani
Molecular magnetism in conjugated carbon materials: the structural, electronic and quantum properties
Lecturer: Prof. Lapo Bogani(University of Oxford)
Date: 2019/6/14
Host: Prof. Ohkoshi

化学特別講義Ⅸ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry IX

Ass. Prof. Graham N. Newton
The electronic properties of hybrid molecular metal oxides
Lecturer: Ass. Prof. Graham N. Newton(University of Nottingham)
Date: 2019/5/9
Host: Prof. Nishihara


化学特別講義Ⅵ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VI

Prof. Ulrich Aschauer
Atomic scale structure and reactivity of perovskite oxynitrides
Lecturer: Prof. Ulrich Aschauer (Universität Bern)
Date: 2018/5/10
Host: Prof. Hasegawa

化学特別講義Ⅴ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry V

Dr. Albert Bowers
New Insights into Peptide Processing Enzymes in Natural Product Biosynthesis
Lecturer: Dr. Albert Bowers (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Date: 2018/11/13
Host: Prof. Suga

化学特別講義Ⅳ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry IV

Prof. Huailiang Xu
Femtosecond filamentation nonlinear spectroscopy and application
Lecturer: Prof. Huailiang Xu(College of Electronic Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, Jilin University)
Date: 2018/4/26
Host: Prof. Yamanouchi


化学特別講義Ⅲ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry III

Prof. Eric Meggers
Asymmetric Catalysis Directed by Metal-Centered Chirality
Lecturer: Prof. Eric Meggers (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Date: 2017/11/2
Host: Prof. Shionoya

化学特別講義Ⅱ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry II

Prof. Shunsuke CHIBA
Molecular Transformation by Sodium Hydride-Iodide Composite
Lecturer: Prof. Shunsuke CHIBA (Nanyang Technological University)
Date: 2017/11/14
Host: Prof. Kobayashi

化学特別講義I Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry I

Prof. Eric Olaf POTMA
Coherent Raman Scattering of Single Molecules
Lecturer: Prof. Eric Olaf POTMA (University of California Irvine)
Date: 2017/10/13
Host: Prof. Goda


化学特別講義IV Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry IV

Cancer Theranastics
Lecturer: Dr.Xiaoyuan(Shawn)Chen(National Insutitutes of Health)
Date: 2016/12/13
Host: Prof. Ozawa

化学特別講義VII Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VII

Prof. Osman M. Bakr
The Growth and Bottom-Up Assembly of Hybrid Semiconductor Materials: from Atomically Precise Nanoclusters to Organic-Inorganic Perovskites
Lecturer: Prof. Osman M. Bakr(King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia)
Date: 2016/5/12
Host: Prof. Tsukuda


化学特別講義IV Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry IV

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Zero-valent iron, iron oxides, and high-valent iron compounds for applications in energy, environmental, and biomedical applications and novel magnetic features in 2D graphene-based systems
Lecturer: Associate Prof. Jiří Tuček Associate(チェコ共和国オロモウツ・パラツキー大学)
Date: 2016/1/13
Host: Prof. Ohkoshi

化学特別講義V Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry V

Prof. Ian R. Baxendale
Flow Synthesis – 15 years of creating puddles
Lecturer: Prof. Ian R. Baxendale(University of Durham)
Date: 2015/11/4
Host: Prof. Kobayashi

化学特別講義VI Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VI

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Functional Metal Complexes with Non-Innocent Ligands: Catalysis and Switching
Lecturer: Prof. Biprajit Sarkar(Freie Universität Berlin Institut für Chemie und BiochemieAnorganische Chemie)
Date: 2015/7/23
Host: Prof. Nishihara


化学特別講義I Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry I

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Electronic pre-determination of molecular reaction dynamics
Lecturer: Dr.Markus Kitzler(Vienna University of Technology)
Date: 2014/5/20
Host: Prof. Yamanouchi

化学特別講義II Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry II

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Biosynthetic sulfur transfers
Lecturer: Prof. Florian P. Seebeck(バーゼル大学)
Date: 2014/11/6
Host: Prof. Suga

化学特別講義III Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry III

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Band gap opening of Dirac particle system in graphene and investigation of Schwinger pair creation
Lecturer: Prof. Wen-Bin Jian(National Chiao Tung University)
Date: 2014/7/3
Host: Prof. Hasegawa


化学特別講義VII Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VII

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Inducing Limited Transparency in Tissues by Time-Reversing Light
Lecturer: Prof. Changhuei Yang(California Institute of Technology (Caltech))
Date: 2013/7/11
Host: Prof. Goda

化学特別講義VIII Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VIII

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New methods for protein chemical synthesis
Lecturer: Prof. Liu Lei(清華大)
Date: 2013/11/7
Host: Prof. Nakamura

化学特別講義IX Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry IX

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Designing complex self-assembled materials from simple building blocks
Lecturer: Dr. Jonathan Nitschke(Cambridge大)
Date: 2013/5/9
Host: Prof. Shionoya


化学特別講義VI Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VI

Prof. Nanfeng Zheng
Control over the Surface and Interfacial Structure of Metal Nanocrystals for Catalysis and Bioapplications
Lecturer: Prof. Nanfeng Zheng(Xiamen University)
Date: 2013/1/30
Host: Prof. Tsukuda
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Strategies in Selective Organometallic Catalysis
Lecturer: Prof. Clément Mazet(University of Geneva)
Date: 2012/11/7
Host: Prof. Kobayashi