Established in 2012, Zasshikai Lectureship is one of Zasshikai (Journal Club)'s programs in the Department of Chemistry. The goal of the prestigious lectureship is to invite a few young, world-leading researchers every year to give lectures about their cutting-edge research to faculty and students in the department.
化学特別講義Ⅳ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅳ
Unraveling Nanoparticle Properties using Theoretical Methods
Lecturer: Prof. Christine Aikens (Kansas State University)
Date: 2024/7/18
Host: Prof. Tsukuda
化学特別講義Ⅵ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅵ
Dynamics of lithium-ion batteries and their implication for electrocatalysis
Lecturer: Dr. Lim Jongwoo (Seoul National University)
Date: 2024/7/11
Host: Prof. Hitosugi
化学特別講義Ⅴ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅴ
Exploiting the Plasticity of Anion Binding Proteins for Biosensing
Lecturer: Dr. Sheel C. Dodani (The University of Texas at Dallas)
Date: 2024/6/20
Host: Prof. Campbell
化学特別講義Ⅰ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅰ
Spin dynamics and coupling in the f-block
Lecturer: Prof. Nicholas Chilton (The University of Manchester)
Date: 2023/10/13
Host: Prof. Ohkoshi
化学特別講義Ⅲ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅲ
Sustainable electrosynthesis of hydrogen and ammonia
Lecturer: Dr. Alexandr N. Simonov (School of Chemistry, Monash University)
Date: 2023/6/22
Host: Prof. Yamada
化学特別講義Ⅱ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅱ
Combining Synthetic Chemistry and Biology for Streamlining Access to Complex Molecules
Lecturer: Prof. Hans Renata (Department of Chemistry, Rice University)
Date: 2023/6/21
Host: Prof. Oguri
化学特別講義Ⅶ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅶ
Laser Particles for Single-Cell Analysis
Lecturer: Prof. Yun Seok Hyun (Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School)
Date: 2022/10/28
Host: Prof. Goda
化学特別講義Ⅷ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry Ⅷ
Molecular Self-Assembly Methodology
Lecturer: Prof. Yi-Tsu Chan (Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University)
Date: 2022/11/9
Host: Prof. Kobayashi
化学特別講義Ⅳ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry IV
Total Synthesis of Metallic Molecules
Lecturer: Dr. XIE, Jianping(National University of Singapore)
Date: 2021/12/10
Host: Prof. Tsukuda
化学特別講義Ⅷ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VIII
Carbon-Rich π-Aromatic Surfaces: Topology, Curvature, and Function
Lecturer: Prof. Marcin Stepien(Uniwersytet Wrocławski)
Date: 2019/11/7
Host: Prof. Isobe
化学特別講義Ⅶ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VII
Molecular magnetism in conjugated carbon materials: the structural, electronic and quantum properties
Lecturer: Prof. Lapo Bogani(University of Oxford)
Date: 2019/6/14
Host: Prof. Ohkoshi
化学特別講義Ⅸ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry IX
The electronic properties of hybrid molecular metal oxides
Lecturer: Ass. Prof. Graham N. Newton(University of Nottingham)
Date: 2019/5/9
Host: Prof. Nishihara
化学特別講義Ⅵ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VI
Atomic scale structure and reactivity of perovskite oxynitrides
Lecturer: Prof. Ulrich Aschauer (Universität Bern)
Date: 2018/5/10
Host: Prof. Hasegawa
化学特別講義Ⅴ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry V
New Insights into Peptide Processing Enzymes in Natural Product Biosynthesis
Lecturer: Dr. Albert Bowers (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Date: 2018/11/13
Host: Prof. Suga
化学特別講義Ⅳ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry IV
Femtosecond filamentation nonlinear spectroscopy and application
Lecturer: Prof. Huailiang Xu(College of Electronic Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, Jilin University)
Date: 2018/4/26
Host: Prof. Yamanouchi
化学特別講義Ⅲ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry III
Asymmetric Catalysis Directed by Metal-Centered Chirality
Lecturer: Prof. Eric Meggers (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Date: 2017/11/2
Host: Prof. Shionoya
化学特別講義Ⅱ Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry II
Molecular Transformation by Sodium Hydride-Iodide Composite
Lecturer: Prof. Shunsuke CHIBA (Nanyang Technological University)
Lecturer: Prof. Eric Olaf POTMA (University of California Irvine)
Date: 2017/10/13
Host: Prof. Goda
化学特別講義IV Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry IV
Cancer Theranastics
Lecturer: Dr.Xiaoyuan(Shawn)Chen(National Insutitutes of Health)
Date: 2016/12/13
Host: Prof. Ozawa
化学特別講義VII Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VII
The Growth and Bottom-Up Assembly of Hybrid Semiconductor Materials: from Atomically Precise Nanoclusters to Organic-Inorganic Perovskites
Lecturer: Prof. Osman M. Bakr(King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia)
Date: 2016/5/12
Host: Prof. Tsukuda
化学特別講義IV Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry IV
Zero-valent iron, iron oxides, and high-valent iron compounds for applications in energy, environmental, and biomedical applications and novel magnetic features in 2D graphene-based systems
Lecturer: Associate Prof. Jiří Tuček Associate(チェコ共和国オロモウツ・パラツキー大学)
Date: 2016/1/13
Host: Prof. Ohkoshi
化学特別講義V Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry V
Flow Synthesis – 15 years of creating puddles
Lecturer: Prof. Ian R. Baxendale(University of Durham)
Date: 2015/11/4
Host: Prof. Kobayashi
化学特別講義VI Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VI
Functional Metal Complexes with Non-Innocent Ligands: Catalysis and Switching
Lecturer: Prof. Biprajit Sarkar(Freie Universität Berlin Institut für Chemie und BiochemieAnorganische Chemie)
Date: 2015/7/23
Host: Prof. Nishihara
化学特別講義I Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry I
Electronic pre-determination of molecular reaction dynamics
Lecturer: Dr.Markus Kitzler(Vienna University of Technology)
Date: 2014/5/20
Host: Prof. Yamanouchi
化学特別講義II Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry II
Biosynthetic sulfur transfers
Lecturer: Prof. Florian P. Seebeck(バーゼル大学)
Date: 2014/11/6
Host: Prof. Suga
化学特別講義III Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry III
Band gap opening of Dirac particle system in graphene and investigation of Schwinger pair creation
Lecturer: Prof. Wen-Bin Jian(National Chiao Tung University)
Date: 2014/7/3
Host: Prof. Hasegawa
化学特別講義VII Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VII
Inducing Limited Transparency in Tissues by Time-Reversing Light
Lecturer: Prof. Changhuei Yang(California Institute of Technology (Caltech))
Date: 2013/7/11
Host: Prof. Goda
化学特別講義VIII Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VIII
New methods for protein chemical synthesis
Lecturer: Prof. Liu Lei(清華大)
Date: 2013/11/7
Host: Prof. Nakamura
化学特別講義IX Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry IX
Designing complex self-assembled materials from simple building blocks
Lecturer: Dr. Jonathan Nitschke(Cambridge大)
Date: 2013/5/9
Host: Prof. Shionoya
化学特別講義VI Special Lecture on Advanced Chemistry VI
Control over the Surface and Interfacial Structure of Metal Nanocrystals for Catalysis and Bioapplications
Lecturer: Prof. Nanfeng Zheng(Xiamen University)
Date: 2013/1/30
Host: Prof. Tsukuda
Strategies in Selective Organometallic Catalysis
Lecturer: Prof. Clément Mazet(University of Geneva)