Department of Chemistry School of Science, The University of Tokyo

Messages from Students

Haruki Ochiai
Haruki Ochiai
Center for Attosecond Laser Science M1

When I was a second-year student at Komaba campus, I was interested in material science, especially chemistry, which elucidates phenomena from the perspective of atoms and molecules, and I joined the Department of Chemistry. During my studies in the Department of Chemistry, I was fascinated by molecular structure and properties, and I decided to join the current laboratory. For my graduation research, I focused on developing equipment for high-precision molecular spectroscopy using ultrashort laser pluses. In my master’s research, I am working on determination of spin-orbit splitting energies of rare gas ions and aiming to achieve the world’s highest resolution for this measurement using the equipment I developed during my prior research.

As many of you may know, all classes within the Department of Chemistry are conducted in English. People who have never experienced a scientific lecture in English may feel anxious, and I was one of them. However, I found that many of the lectures I attended were carefully explained in detail using slides, blackboards, and diagrams from handouts. These visual supports helped me to fill in the gaps. Therefore, I want to assure you that you too will be able to go through the lectures smoothly and understand the contents with confidence.

In the Department of Chemistry, we engaged in chemistry experiments four days a week during the afternoons of the third year. These experiments covered inorganic, analytical, organic, and physical chemistry over the course of a year. Although I was not good at experimental operations, with the help of teaching assistants who were graduate students, I was able to overcome the difficult experimental operations such as column chromatography and distillation using an oil bath. Participating in these experiments helped me to identify my areas of interest, as well as my strengths and weaknesses. With this awareness, I was able to decide which laboratory to belong to in my fourth year.

Department of Chemistry has a variety of laboratories in the fields of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry, which are the core of chemistry, as well as interdisciplinary fields such as geochemistry, computer science, and the laser science which I am working on. When choosing a laboratory, you can learn about the research environment and atmosphere in advance through internships and laboratory tours. Even if your research interests are not yet fully crystallized, the department’s rich lectures and hands-on student experiments can serve as a valuable compass. Through this experience, you are inevitably drawn to areas of research that resonate with your curiosities.

If any of you have curious about materials, reactions, or properties of molecules, why not consider studying in the Department of Chemistry?
(Posted on May 2024)

Ryoichi Hirashima
Ryoichi Hirashima
Bioorganic Chemistry M1

I originally liked studying chemistry, especially feeling attracted to organic chemistry. Meanwhile, as I took undergraduate courses and visited various research lab websites, I became interested in the concept of driving reactions as intended within the complex reaction environments of living organisms. This led me to the current laboratory that advocates for applying organic chemistry techniques to the field of biology. Currently, I conduct experiments daily in a high-level research environment, feeling the satisfaction of pursuing what I want to do.

I think the biggest feature of the Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science is the wide range of themes it deals with. While research and undergraduate courses in this department mainly align with organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, or physical chemistry, they are ranging from fundamental to applied, from pursuing core principles to pioneering new fields through interdisciplinary research. Thus, the Department of Chemistry is a place where you can learn a broad range of foundational knowledge while also being exposed to cutting-edge innovative research from the undergraduate level, truly embodying "broad and deep."

Another significant feature of the Department of Chemistry is that almost all courses are given in English. Some may feel anxious about English courses, but due to the kind support from professors, English is hardly an obstacle to understanding chemistry. Instead, experiencing English in a setting where the course material is somewhat predictable has been a great practice for getting accustomed to scientific English from an early stage.

Through experiencing various lectures and experiments in the Department of Chemistry and expanding the scope of knowledge, there should be discoveries such as finding out that what you were previously unfamiliar with aligns with your preferences or realizing the potential for new applications in your favorite field. Whether you already have an interest in a specific area of chemistry or you are still wondering what you want to do, I encourage you to consider studying in the Department of Chemistry. Chemistry includes a wide range of directions, and the Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science will greatly assist you in finding what you find interesting.
(Posted on May 2024)

Shosei Imai
Shosei Imai
Biomolecular Chemistry M2

I was drawn to chemistry in junior high school because of the joy of conducting experiments. This interest led me to come to the department of chemistry. The greatest appeal of chemistry is to conduct experiments by hand. We can observe the sample in front of us, and be surprised by the results produced, and think about how to pursue further. Creating new chemistry with your own hands is a unique experience that cannot be achieved elsewhere.

Another appeal of chemistry is its ability to handle the substance, which is the foundation of this world. Therefore, all phenomena are subject to study, and the research can be directly related to our life. Chemistry is not just a world in a flask; it can handle all life and earth phenomena.

The department of chemistry was the perfect fit for me in both respects. In the second and third year, students learn widely from a chemical perspective, acquiring extensive and deep knowledge. The curriculum includes organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry, as well as biochemistry and geochemistry. In addition, students engage in various experimental and analytical techniques through student experiments. This period may not be easy, but it is an exciting and enjoyable time for those who love chemistry.

As a fourth-year student, you will be assigned to a laboratory and work on your graduation research. Regardless of which laboratory you choose, you will have access to excellent facilities, staff, seniors, and peers. This great environment allows you to focus on research. No matter which you are interested in chemistry or not, I encourage you to consider the chemistry department. Chemistry is a broad subject that encompasses all phenomena, and I believe that you will find research that fits you.
(Posted on May 2023)

Ekishin Yanagi
Ekishin Yanagi
Bioorganic Chemistry M2

I joined my current laboratory because I wanted to contribute to the drug discovery industry from the field of chemistry. I originally had a great interest in chemistry, but as I took classes in my freshman year of college, I also became interested in the mechanisms of life.

I think that one of the most attractive features of the Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science is its curriculum. First, we learn basic chemistry in our second year. In the third year, students can acquire the basics of chemical experiments through student experiments. In the fourth year, there are almost no classes, so we can concentrate on our graduation research. Through such a curriculum, we can face chemistry with a solid foundation.

I think the good environment is another attraction of the Department of Chemistry. During the summer vacation of my junior year, I wanted to do an internship in the current laboratory and contacted the professor, who gladly accepted me. Besides, if you are accepted to the GSC (Global Science Course), you can study abroad for a month during your fourth grade. In this way, if you were proactive, others around you would respond to you, and you will be able to gain valuable experience.

For those who do not have a clear vision of their future yet, I think that it will be a big decision to decide your major. If you have even a little interest in chemistry, please consider the Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science. I am sure that you will find what you want to do, and that you can realize it in wonderful surroundings.
(Posted on May 2023)

Asahi Kanno
Asahi Kanno
Natural Products Chemistry D1

I was a sophomore in the undergraduate program, aspiring to create things using the power of chemistry and biology. Initially, I also considered entering the engineering department. However, advice from a certain professor became the turning point in my life. The words I received from that professor were, "Starting your career in the central realm of science will benefit your life as a researcher."

Following those words, I decided to enroll in the Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science (RIBAKE), and now I realize that choice was the right one. Starting from a state of knowing nothing, I have gradually developed the ability to pursue interests, refine knowledge and thinking, and tackle problem-solving.

RIBAKE provides all the necessary elements for learning and research, including the ecosystem where the department is part of, exemplified by the over 1,900 seminars held. These seminars offer abundant opportunities to learn about different perspectives and communication styles through discussions among invited speakers and RIBAKE professors.

In the Natural Products Chemistry (Oguri) Laboratory, where I belong, we conduct experiments every day to synthesize useful molecules inspired by complex organic compounds derived from nature. Despite being overwhelmed by the mysteries of nature, I believe that creating new molecules through artificial approaches is a worthwhile challenge that requires dedicating several years of youth. Moreover, I trust that beyond drug discovery, this challenge extends to addressing issues related to functional materials, energy, and the environment.

Learning at RIBAKE deepens through hands-on activities and collaborative thinking with peers. I look forward to increasing the number of companions with whom I can work and exchange ideas at RIBAKE.
(Posted on May 2024)

Yuki Kotani
Yuki Kotani
Physical Organic Chemistry D1

One distinct feature of "Chemistry", among all other fields in science, is the joy of creating what you want to create with your own hands. This "joy of creation" aspect has attracted my interest and eventually led me to the field of organic chemistry.

You may find various departments related to chemistry at the University of Tokyo. So how do you choose which department to join? Here are some reasons why I chose, and hopefully you will choose, the Department of Chemistry in the School of Science.
Firstly, this department offers various labs in different fields: organic, inorganic, physical and biochemistry. For those who are wondering which field you are going to major in, this feature gives you a good opportunity to choose the most suitable field or lab for you, by learning the basics of each field and pondering what you are really interested in.
The international environment must also be mentioned as an important feature of this department. The initiative of giving all the lectures in English has made it possible for students from all over the world to join us, making this department uniquely international. This feature has allowed for stimulating interaction among people from different backgrounds. The Global Science Course (GSC) programme, which helps you study for the TOEFL iBT and study abroad, would also provide you with exciting experiences (I couldn't go study abroad due to the pandemic, though...).

In addition to these benefits, this department also offers a good research environment, where you can pursue your goals with supervisors, lab members and friends. So, why don't you join us?
(Posted on May 2024)

Deng Yunjie
Deng Yunjie
Structural Chemistry D2

Choosing the right academic department to pursue your education could be a challenging decision, but I was lucky enough to have a professor who had firsthand experience with the Department of Chemistry at the University of Tokyo. Their high praise for the program sparked my interest, and after conducting thorough research, I found myself drawn to the excellent global environment offered by the Department.

The department's feature is that many classes are taught in English. This was a huge relief for me because I knew that language barriers could have been a significant obstacle to my academic pursuits. The faculty's diverse student body also caught my attention. Interacting with people from different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives can enrich academic and personal experiences, broaden horizons, and develop a more open-minded and culturally aware individual.

Moreover, as a biomedical engineering major, the Department of Chemistry's unique blend of biology and physics fascinated me. Understanding the molecular and cellular processes underlying diseases and developing innovative solutions to combat them require a deep understanding of chemistry, making this program an ideal fit for me. With interdisciplinary research opportunities and practical laboratory experience, the Department of Chemistry at the University of Tokyo provides an excellent learning environment for aspiring students.

In summary, the Department of Chemistry at the University of Tokyo offers an excellent global environment, interdisciplinary research opportunities, and practical laboratory experience that can help future students gain valuable knowledge and skills. Regardless of your major or language, the Department of Chemistry at the University of Tokyo offers a special place for everyone. Studying here could be a fulfilling and rewarding experience that will be invaluable in your future career.
(Posted on May 2023)

Yuka Sekine
Yuka Sekine
Analytical Chemistry D2

I entered the Analytical Chemistry (Ozawa) laboratory in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Tokyo after completing undergraduate at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ochanomizu University. Currently, I belong to the doctoral course in Ozawa laboratory and studying about protein enzymes by utilizing “optogenetics” approach, which enables artificial control of protein activity with external light stimulation.

Department of Chemistry is truly appealing environment to develop my ability as a global scientist. One of the factors is the English education, which is the characteristics of this department. Basically, the classes are held in English. Additionally, I had my research presentations and wrote my master’s thesis in English. The larger amount of vocabulary I learned, the more deeply I became to discuss and the more smoothly I became to read papers. My ability to have a discussion in question-and-answer sessions in research presentations have greatly developed thanks to the everyday practices and expertise.

I have been able to focus on my research surrounded by excellent colleagues with diverse background in my laboratory. When I faced any difficulties on my research, my supervisor and seniors always gave me meaningful advice from different angles. I have always been encouraged by my labmates who are trying hard on their research. Because there are many foreign students, I have learned various other cultures from them. Although I am in Japan, I sometimes find myself experiencing studying abroad. This environment has provided very precious situation for me.

I believe that Department of Chemistry will be suitable for not only those who want to study basic sciences widely and deeply, but also those who are wondering which areas to specialize in. The research areas of the laboratories in this department have wide variety of interdisciplinarity. Furthermore, we have opportunities to listen to talks by researchers around the world in Zasshikai seminars. We also have chances to communicate with industrial researchers at private companies. Although these are my personal opinions and experiences, I believe that Department of Chemistry has a very nice environment to deepen your knowledge and skills. I would be happy if more and more students could get interests to study here.
(Posted on May 2023)

Toshiaki Wayama
Toshiaki Wayama
Natural Products Chemistry D2

I want to be able to manipulate complex molecules at will! This is the reason why I decided to study chemistry at the Department of Chemistry.

For my undergraduate degree, I was enrolled in the Faculty of Agriculture and not in the Faculty of Science. This was because I wanted to study rice plants, based on my experience of tending rice fields in my childhood. However, as I studied organic chemistry, I became attracted to natural organic compounds (natural products), which have complex structures and express potent and diverse biological activities. Then I joined the Department of Chemistry after graduating, and I am currently doing research on the artificial chemical synthesis of natural products.

Just as I encountered organic chemistry and began to learn in the Faculty of Agriculture, chemistry can be studied not only in the Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science, but also in many other departments, including the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the Faculty of Engineering. However, I believe that it is very important to study chemistry in the Department of Chemistry in the Faculty of Science rather than in other departments. I believe that there are two main reasons to study "chemistry" in the Department of Chemistry.

First, the Department of Chemistry offers the most basic and in-depth exploration of chemistry. The Department of Chemistry has a tendency to respect not only the need-oriented research demanded by society, but also the seed-oriented basic research, and you can spread your wings and engage in research activities to your heart's content. In recent years, society has begun to reaffirm the importance of basic research. Your future research in the Department of Chemistry will be even more valuable in such a rapidly evolving society.

Second, the Department of Chemistry offers a world-class research environment. Not only are the facilities excellent, but the faculty and students are always full of enthusiasm. The Department of Chemistry has laboratories in physical chemistry, materials chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry, all of which conduct world-leading research in their fields. Experiments using state-of-the-art equipment and high-level discussions on a daily basis are sure to satisfy your chemical curiosity. You will also be able to find an area of interest from a wide range of chemical disciplines.

If you are not comfortable communicating in Japanese, do not worry. Lectures in the Department of Chemistry are all given in English. In addition, communication in laboratories and seminars is also conducted in English.

We look forward to doing "chemistry" with you in the Department of Chemistry.
(Posted on May 2023)

Misato Akiyoshi
Misato Akiyoshi
Physical Organic Chemistry D3

I was enrolled in a private university in Tokyo when I was an undergraduate student. After taking the entrance examinations, I registered in the Department of Chemistry at the Graduate School of Science here. From an outside student's point of view, I would like to send a message.

I mainly did analytical research using existing substances during undergraduate. I decided to apply to this department because I hoped to create new highly functional materials with my own hands, and I also wanted to do cutting-edge research in the field of chemistry, which has a wide range of applications.

First, I attended sessions to get information in accordance with the graduate school's guidance and actively visited laboratories where I was interested in. I think it is very important to talk directly to professors, staff, and research students to get the atmosphere of the laboratory. At that time, I tried to imagine whether I would be able to experiment every day there and keep a good company with members of the laboratory. Preparing for the entrance examination was the toughest part for me. Each subject required advanced answers, so I had to manage to find time to study as much as possible while continuing and finishing with my graduation research.

I had a notion, "Will I be able to keep up with everyone academically?" There are differences in knowledge arising from differences in the curricula and elective subjects at each university. However, I don't think there is much to worry about it, although you will need to try to fill the deficient or missing part carefully. I changed the field from inorganic analytical chemistry to structural organic chemistry, and I have been struggling with my ignorance. However, with the generous support of the laboratory professor, staff, my seniors, and my peers, I was able to successfully complete my master's degree and continue my research in a doctoral program.

The department also focuses on English education. Lectures, laboratory seminars and master's thesis presentations are in English. I have always wanted to study English, but always put it off. Therefore, being in an environment where I must use it all the time has helped me to develop my English skills compared to when I first entered here, I hope.

I assume that it is not easy to a new theme in a new environment for you. However, I am sure if you study under this department, you will learn a lot. I hope that many students will read this message and challenge enrolling in this school.
(Posted on May 2022)

Yuto Ohno
Yuto Ohno
Bioorganic Chemistry D3

My enthusiasm for “science” developed from a young age through my interaction with living creatures. At that time, catching insects or reading encyclopedia fulfilled my curiosity. Then, it changed into an academic passion.

A textbook said,
–Living creatures consist of cells. –
Then led me to a question, what contains in a cell?
–There are biomolecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids in a cell. –
What makes up a molecule?
–Atoms form a molecule. –
What is an atom?
–Electrons and a nucleus constitute an atom. –

A single question can raise some new questions sequentially. It is commonly said that science is a method which describes nature. “Biology” can explain phenomenon in a cell. “Chemistry” handles molecules and atoms. To reveal the behavior of an atom, “physics” would be the best way. I love the simple and clear way of chemistry, in which nature is deciphered by the bond rearrangements originating from atomic characteristics and its outer environments.

In the Department of Chemistry, students will be exposed to “chemistry” as a “science”, not just its application. That is because everyone in this community is motivated by curiosity. Furthermore, you can take courses from other fields of the sciences and find friends sharing the same enthusiasm for science. If you were to major in chemistry in other schools, you wouldn’t find such friends.

I personally experienced the above through the chemistry curriculum. You’ll take lab courses every day during your third year and start your research during your fourth year. The research is not just a training under senior students nor following protocols. You can study the frontier of science through discussion with staffs and senior students. Most labs in this department are large-scale and fully equipped with facilities and faculties. We can say with confidence, this department satisfies all criteria required for science. Through your academic and research journey in the Department of Chemistry in the School of Science, you will discover the excitement of chemistry research as well as sharing those special experiences with fellow community. Come enjoy chemistry with us!!
(Posted on May 2020)

Ryuji Nakao
Ryuji Nakao
Structural Chemistry D3

The Department of Chemistry is waiting for you with wonderful opportunities and environments.

No matter which department you go on to, you will be expected to join a laboratory by your 4th year. Perhaps you will have no idea what you want to do or what your daily research life will be like until you actually experience it. At the Department of Chemistry, however, you can explore your interests through various lectures and student experiments that cover a wide range of chemistry and will have a chance to experience each laboratory through internships and other opportunities, so I’m sure that you will find a laboratory that best fits your interests.

The department offers most lectures in English and most students need to make some efforts on reading English textbooks. But through the experience, they come to acquire academic English. In addition, the Global Science Course provides the opportunity to study for two months in a foreign laboratory with financial support. I applied for this program by chance and stayed at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for two months. It was a very valuable experience for me to recognize firsthand not only the diversity of foreign students' ways of thinking but also foreign lifestyles different from that in Japan.

Furthermore, the Department of Chemistry holds an annual inter-laboratory softball and soccer tournament, which is a great opportunity for friendly exchanges and a good change of pace.

In this way, I believe that you will have more exciting experiences once you enroll in the Department of Chemistry than you would initially have imagine. I’m looking forward to you joining the Department of Chemistry.
(Posted on May 2022)
