Insan Kang

Master course 2

City/country of origin
Incheon, Republic of Korea or Kobe, Japan
Travel and Take Photography
Places You Like
the Vast place
Where for a big vacation
Travel nearby Tokyo or Hokkaido
What are your strong points?
Nobody can’t beat me about Korean
Music: what is some intense music for intense lab work?
My Caffeine-Faith Richards
What are people in the lab doing?
What was surprising about the suga lab
Most of lab members are not come even 10am! No core time.
What was surprising about the suga lab
Super rich & Hard to contact or run into…
Original motivation towards science?
Being understand deeply about my project’s phenomena
A few words for future lab mates
Science is…….
Nothing without thinking

Education & professional career


Contact info

    • E-mail… Kains675"at" (change "at" to @)