Ikumi won the Award of Excellence in FoPM Qualifying Exam

Ikumi received an Award of Excellence in the Qualifying Examination for the “Forefront Physics and Mathematics Program to Drive Transformation (FoPM)”! 宮崎さんが「変革を駆動する先端物理数学プログラム(FoPM)」のQualifying...

Some members obtained degrees!

Congratulations, Kenryo, for earning a Bachelor’s degree, and Takumi K, Shiori, Takumi Y, Kenwa, and Ikumi for their Master’s degree!...

A paper on new lactate sensor is published

We are delighted to announce that our paper titled “High-Performance Genetically Encoded Green Fluorescent Biosensors for Intracellular L-Lactate” is now published in ACS Central Science. Congratulations to Saaya, Giang, and all co-authors! The paper can be accessed...