Special Seminar
- Prof. Kohei Imura (Waseda
Univ.) "Visualization and coherent control of plasmonic wave functions
by using a scanning near-field optical microscope" (7/4)
- Dr. Jonathan Heddle (RIKEN)
"Bionanoscience with proteins: Building new structures from nature's
building blocks" (7/6)
- Dr. Hiroyuki Yoshida (Kyoto Univ.) "New spectroscopic technique
to examine the unoccupied states of nolecular solids and surfaces"
- Welcome party
- 韓国訪問
- 佃先生誕生日パーティ
- 赤飯パーティ
- ソフトボール大会(VS 小澤研)
- Welcome party (Pei Yuchen)
- ソフトボール大会(VS 橘研)
- Farewell party (Jakir)
- 2012年度研修旅行
- Farewell party (Pei Yuchen)
- 院試お疲れ会
- 上半期誕生日会!!
- たこ焼きパーティー
- 2012年忘年会
- 櫻井さん送別会
- 卒論お疲れ会
- Maityさん送別会
- Prof. Kappes (Institute of
Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) (4/4)
- Prof. Didier Astruc (Universite Bordeaux 1) (5/22)
- Prof. Takanori Inoue (Johns Hopkins Univ.) (6/26)
- Prof. Kohei Imura (Waseda Univ.)
- Dr. Jonathan Heddle (RIKEN) (7/6)
- Mr. Pei Yuchen (Pekin Univ.) (7/11-8/6)
- Prof. Norimichi Kojima (The Tokyo Univ.), Prof. Yuichi Negishi
(Tokyo Unive. of Science) (8/21, 9/13)
- Dr. Alexandre Shvartsburg (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)(9/27)
- Prof. Niclas Solin (Linkoping Univ., Sweden) (11/8)
- Prof. Tarasankar Pal (IIT, Karagpur, India) (11/19)
- Prof. Weston Thatcher Borden (Univ. North Texas, USA) (11/28)
- Prof. Chii-Dong Lin (Kansas State University (12/4)
- Dr. Yuichi Negishi (Tokyo Univ. Sci.) (12/5, 6)
- Prof. Ludwik Leibler (Matiere Molle et Chimie, ESPCI, Paris
Tech.) (12/7)
- Prof. Atsushi Nakajima (Keio Univ.) (12/20)
- Dr. Hiroyuki Yoshida (Kyoto Univ.) (12/26)
- Prof. Nanfen Zheng (Xiamen Univ.) (1/29, 30)