
Special Seminar


  1. Prof. Kohei Imura (Waseda Univ.) "Visualization and coherent control of plasmonic wave functions by using a scanning near-field optical microscope" (7/4)
  2. Dr. Jonathan Heddle (RIKEN) "Bionanoscience with proteins: Building new structures from nature's building blocks" (7/6)
  3. Dr. Hiroyuki Yoshida (Kyoto Univ.) "New spectroscopic technique to examine the unoccupied states of nolecular solids and surfaces" (12/26)




  1. Welcome party
  2. 韓国訪問
  3. 佃先生誕生日パーティ
  4. 赤飯パーティ
  5. ソフトボール大会(VS 小澤研)
  6. Welcome party (Pei Yuchen)
  7. ソフトボール大会(VS 橘研)
  8. Farewell party (Jakir)
  9. 2012年度研修旅行
  10. Farewell party (Pei Yuchen)
  11. 院試お疲れ会
  12. 上半期誕生日会!!
  13. たこ焼きパーティー
  14. 2012年忘年会
  15. 櫻井さん送別会
  16. 卒論お疲れ会
  17. Maityさん送別会




  1. Prof. Kappes (Institute of Nanotechnology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany) (4/4)
  2. Prof. Didier Astruc (Universite Bordeaux 1) (5/22)
  3. Prof. Takanori Inoue (Johns Hopkins Univ.) (6/26)
  4. Prof. Kohei Imura (Waseda Univ.) (7/4)
  5. Dr. Jonathan Heddle (RIKEN) (7/6)
  6. Mr. Pei Yuchen (Pekin Univ.) (7/11-8/6)
  7. Prof. Norimichi Kojima (The Tokyo Univ.), Prof. Yuichi Negishi (Tokyo Unive. of Science) (8/21, 9/13)
  8. Dr. Alexandre Shvartsburg (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)(9/27)
  9. Prof. Niclas Solin (Linkoping Univ., Sweden) (11/8)
  10. Prof. Tarasankar Pal (IIT, Karagpur, India) (11/19)
  11. Prof. Weston Thatcher Borden (Univ. North Texas, USA) (11/28)
  12. Prof. Chii-Dong Lin (Kansas State University (12/4)
  13. Dr. Yuichi Negishi (Tokyo Univ. Sci.) (12/5, 6)
  14. Prof. Ludwik Leibler (Matiere Molle et Chimie, ESPCI, Paris Tech.) (12/7)
  15. Prof. Atsushi Nakajima (Keio Univ.) (12/20)
  16. Dr. Hiroyuki Yoshida (Kyoto Univ.) (12/26)
  17. Prof. Nanfen Zheng (Xiamen Univ.) (1/29, 30)
