終了Zasshikai seminar 1966th, Prof. Nobuhiro Yanai, “Molecular Materials with Optical and Spin Functions – Introduction to the Yanai Laboratory”, Prof. Akihito Ishizaki, “Quantum Biophysical Chemistry – – – Old Roots, New Shoots”


  • 日時
    2025/2/7 14:00-15:00, 15:15-16:15
  • 会場
    5F Auditorium, Chemistry Main Bldg.
  • 講師
    Prof. Nobuhiro Yanai (Functional Inorganic Chemistry) Prof. Akihito Ishizaki (Quantum Chemistry)
  • 演目
    14:00-15:00 Prof. Nobuhiro Yanai ”Molecular Materials with Optical and Spin Functions - Introduction to the Yanai Laboratory”
    15:15-16:15 Prof. Akihito Ishizaki ”Quantum Biophysical Chemistry --- Old Roots, New Shoots”
  • 担当
    Prof. Taro Hitosugi (ext. 24353) , Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science