We use protein engineering to invent new tools for imaging dynamic biochemical events in live cells and tissues. We distribute these tools to cell biologists and neuroscientists who apply them to address questions ranging from fundamental mechanisms in cell biology, to the underlying causes of mental illness, to the development of novel therapeutics.




The molecules that make our work possible are colourful naturally occurring fluorescent proteins from jellyfish, coral, and other marine organisms. Starting from the gene for a fluorescent protein, we use the techniques of molecular biology, protein engineering, and artificial molecular evolution to create useful research tools. Since these tools are protein based, the instructions to make them can be easily introduced into cells, tissues, or even transgenic model organisms, in the form of DNA.


News / ニュース

Wenchao is highlighted in Chem-Station

Dr. Wenchao Zhu and his recent paper on chemigenetic indicators are highlighted in Chem-Station (a popular website on chemistry in Japan). Please check here.

朱文超 博士および彼の化学遺伝学センサーに関する研究成果がChem-Stationに取り上げられました。是非こちらをご覧ください。

Dazhou was awarded in the anual meeting of the bioimaging society

Dazhou received Graphic Abstract Award in the 31th annual meeting of the bioimaging society. Congratulations!


A paper on chemigenetic indicators is published

We are delighted to announce that our paper titled “Chemigenetic indicators based on synthetic chelators and green fluorescent protein” is now published in Nature Chemical Biology. Congratulations to Wenchao and all co-authors! The paper can be accessed here.

朱博士らによるケミジェネティクバイオセンサーに関する論文 (Chemigenetic indicators based on synthetic chelators and green fluorescent protein) が Nature Chemical Biology 誌に発表されました。論文はこちらから。理学系研究科プレスリリースはこちら

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