
合田研究室のミッションは、ルイ・パスツールの名言「Chance (serendipity) favors the prepared mind(偶然は心の準備が出来ている者を好む)」を実現する「セレンディピティを可能にする技術」を創出することです。具体的には、光量子科学、ナノテクノロジー、マイクロ流体化学、データサイエンスなどを融合して、分子イメージングや分光学のための新しいツールを開発し、それを使って未知の現象を発見し、メカニズムを解明し、科学、産業、医療への新しい応用を開拓することを目的としています。物理・化学を基礎としながらも、理論、実験、計算を最大限に活用し、重要課題に取り組んでいます。合田研究室のもう一つの重要な使命は、21世紀を担うグローバルリーダーを輩出することです。合田研究室は、国際的・学際的な研究環境とフラットな人間関係をサポートし、大学や企業を問わず、あらゆる分野の優秀な学生・研究者を常に募集しています。









合田 圭介


東京大学大学院理学系研究科化学専攻・教授、UCLA工学部生体工学科・非常勤教授、武漢大学工業化学研究院・非常勤教授。2001年にカリフォルニア大学バークレー校理学部物理学科を卒業(首席)。2007年にマサチューセッツ工科大学大学院理学部物理学科博士課程を修了(理学博士)。マサチューセッツ工科大学では、重力波の検出で2017年ノーベル物理学賞を受賞したLIGOグループで量子増強技術の開発に従事。2007年、カリフォルニア工科大学に短期滞在した後、カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校工学部電気工学科に博士研究員・プログラムマネージャーとして、レーザーを用いた超高速イメージングと超高速分光法、マイクロ流体バイオテクノロジーの研究に従事。2012年、東京大学大学院理学系研究科化学専攻に教授として就任。現在は、様々な手法を融合することでセレンディピティを可能にする技術の開発を推進中。これまでに300近くの学術論文を発表、30以上の特許を出願し、4つのベンチャー企業を創業。日本学士院学術奨励賞、日本学術振興会賞、SPIE Biophotonics Technology Innovator Award、市村学術賞、文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞、Philipp Franz von Siebold Awardなど30以上の賞を受賞。多数のグローバルリーダーの育成・輩出に貢献。




合田研究室のミッションは、ルイ・パスツールの名言「Chance (serendipity) favors the prepared mind(偶然は心の準備が出来ている者を好む)」を実現する「セレンディピティを可能にする技術」を創出することです。具体的には、光量子科学、ナノテクノロジー、マイクロ流体化学、データサイエンスなどを融合して、分子イメージングや分光学のための新しいツールを開発し、それを使って未知の現象を発見し、メカニズムを解明し、科学、産業、医療への新しい応用を開拓することを目的としています。物理・化学を基礎としながらも、理論、実験、計算を最大限に活用し、重要課題に取り組んでいます。現在、セレンディピティラボで、セレンディピティを実現する技術のグローバルオープンイノベーションを実施中です。以下は、現在実施中の合田研究室の研究の一覧ですが、これに限定されるものではありません。



























北濱 康孝


松村 寛行 (Harrison)


丁 天本


周 雨奇 (Iris)


PETERSON Jorgen Walker (渡)


LISI Fabio


菅野 寛志


中川 悠太 (Yoda)


西山 諒 (Ryan)


河井 直子


牛島 岐子


内藤 望


太田 忠孝


瀬原 麻有


唐 旭科 (Cohen/啓吾)


林 実加


張 晨祺 (菜奈)


中尾 龍二 (Romeo)


石井 夏実 (Tiffany)


刘 昱宏 (由紀)


陈 俊宇 (純一)


邓 云杰 (Jacey/雲美)


董 俊余 (城)


趙 雅祺 (凪子)


张 鸿骞 (Sophy/弘美)


汪 恵東 (隼人)


駱 迎東 (陽平)


李 凡 (冬樹)


秋田 潤 (John)


小林 飛翔 (Todd)


胡 成浪 (Chase)


王 瀚青 (良多)


孔 垂铭 (Aaron)


長坂 柚葵 (Emma)


古屋 圭惟 (Kevin)


関根 悠介 (Samuel)


BICER Omer Faruk


王 君成


松岡 直樹


姜 雨萌 (優美)


高田 祐吾


堤 勇也


霍 纪豪


大畑 開世


日永田 育夫


鈴木 天羽颯


植田 裕太


張 雅雯 (唯)


GUO Hongwei


WANG Huai-Song (英雄)


CHENG Zhenzhou


LEI Cheng


XIAO Tinghui (Tim)


YU Qian (剣心)


南 海嬌(晴美)


吳 采穎(竹美)





















1.          W. Peterson, K. Hiramatsu, and K. Goda, “The marriage of coherent Raman scattering imaging and advanced computational tools”, Light: Science & Applications 12, 113 (2023)

2.          C. Zhang, M. Herbig, Y. Zhou, M. Nishikawa, M. Shifat-E-Rabbi, H. Kanno, R. Yang, Y. Ibayashi, T. Xiao, G. K. Rohde, M. Sato, S. Kodera, M. Daimon, Y. Yatomi, and K. Goda, “Real-time intelligent classification of COVID-19 and thrombosis via massive image-based analysis of platelet aggregates”, Cytometry Part A doi.org/10.1002/cyto.a.24721 (2023)

3.          R. Kinegawa, J. Gala de Pablo, Y. Wang, K. Hiramatsu, and K. Goda, “Label-free multiphoton imaging flow cytometry”, Cytometry Part A doi.org/10.1002/cyto.a.24723 (2023)

4.          R. Li, Y. Weng, S. Lin, C. Wei, L. Mei, S. Wei, Y. Yao, D. Wang, K. Goda, and C. Lei, “All-optical Fourier-domain-compassed time-stretch imaging with low-pass filtering”, ACS Photonics doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.2c01708 (2023)

5.          R. Nishiyama, K. Hiramatsu, S. Kawamura, K. Dodo, K. Furuya, J. Gala de Pablo, S. Takizawa, W. Min, M. Sodeoka, and K. Goda, “Color-scalable flow cytometry with Raman tags”, PNAS Nexus 2, 1 (2023)

6.          J. Gala de Pablo, M. Lindley, K. Hiramatsu, A. Isozaki, and K. Goda, “Label-free live microalgal starch screening via Raman flow cytometry”, Algal Research 70, 102993 (2023)

7.          H. Duan, Y. Wang, S. Tang, T. Xiao, K. Goda, and M. Li, “A CRISPR-Cas12a powered electrochemical sensor based on gold nanoparticles and MXene composite for enhanced nucleic acid detection”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 380, 133342 (2023)

8.          H. Matsumura, L. T-W Shen, A. Isozaki, H. Mikami, D. Yuan, T. Miura, N. Nitta, Y. Kondo, T. Mori, Y. Kusumoto, M. Nishikawa, A. Yasumoto, M. Sonoshita, Y. Yatomi, K. Goda, and S. Matsusaka, “Virtual-freezing fluorescence imaging flow cytometry with 5-aminolevulinic acid stimulation and antibody labeling for detecting all forms of circulating tumor cells”, Lab on a Chip 23, 1561 (2023)

9.          Y. Kitahama, P. M. Pancorbo, H. Segawa, M. Marumi, T. Xiao, K. Hiramatsu, W. Yang, and K. Goda, “Place & Play SERS: sample collection and preparation-free surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy”, Analytical Methods 15, 1028 (2023)

10.       Y. Weng, H. Shen, L. Mei, L. Liu, Y. Yao, R. Li, S. Wei, X. Ruan, D. Wang, Y. Wei, Y. Deng, Y. Zhou, T. Xiao, K. Goda, S. Liu, F. Zhou, and C. Lei, “Typing of acute leukemia by intelligent optical time-stretch imaging flow cytometry”, Lab on a Chip 23, 1703 (2023)

11.       S. Takizawa, K. Hiramatsu, M. Lindley, J. Gala de Pablo, S. Ono, and K. Goda, “High-speed hyperspectral imaging enabled by compressed sensing in time domain”, Advanced Photonics Nexus 2, 026008 (2023)

12.       K. Chen, X. Tang, B. Jia, C. Chao, J. Hou, L. Dong, Y. Wei, T. Xiao, K. Goda, and L. Guo, “Graphene oxide bulk material reinforced by heterophase platelets with multiscale interface crosslinking”, Nature Materials 21, 1121 (2022)

13.       M. Herbig, A. Isozaki, D. Di Carlo, J. Guck, N. Nitta, H. Shintaku, A. Wu, I. Nikaido, S. Kamikawaji, E. Suyama, R. Damoiseaux, and K. Goda, “Best practices for reporting throughput in biomedical research”, Nature Methods 19, 633 (2022)

14.       W. Peterson, J. Gala de Pablo, M. Lindley, K. Hiramatsu, and K. Goda, “Ultrafast impulsive Raman spectroscopy across the THz-fingerprint region”, Advanced Photonics 4, 016003 (2022)

15.       L. Liu, P. M. Pancorbo, T. Xiao, S. Noguchi, M. Marumi, H. Segawa, S. Karhadkar, J. Gala de Pablo, K. Hiramatsu, Y. Kitahama, T. Itoh, J. Qu, K. Takei, and K. Goda, “Highly scalable, wearable surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy”, Advanced Optical Materials 10, 2200054 (2022)

16.       K. Hiramatsu, T. Tajima, and K. Goda, “Ultrafast, dual-band coherent Raman spectroscopy without ultrashort pulses”, ACS Photonics 9, 3522 (2022)

17.       M. Lindley, J. Gala de Pablo, W. Peterson, A. Isozaki, K. Hiramatsu, K. Goda, “High-throughput Raman-activated cell sorting in the fingerprint region”, Advanced Materials Technologies 7, 2102567 (2022)

18.       Y. Deng, H. M. Tay, Y. Zhou, X. Fei, X. Tang, M. Nishikawa, Y. Yatomi, H. W. Hou, T. Xiao, and K. Goda, “Studying the efficacy of antiplatelet drugs on atherosclerosis by optofluidic imaging on a chip”, Lab on a Chip 23, 410 (2022)

19.       K. Huang, H. Matsumura, Y. Zhao, M. Herbig, D. Yuan, Y. Mineharu, J. Harmon, J. Findinier, M. Yamagishi, S. Ohnuki, N. Nitta, A. Grossman, Y. Ohya, H. Mikami, A. Isozaki, and K. Goda, “Deep imaging flow cytometry”, Lab on a Chip 22, 876 (2022)

20.       Y. Deng, J. A. Duque, C. Su, Y. Zhou, M. Nishikawa, T. Xiao, Y. Yatomi, H. W. Hou, and K. Goda, “Understanding stenosis-induced platelet aggregation on a chip by high-speed optical imaging”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 356, 131318 (2022)

21.       Y. Zhao, A. Isozaki, M. Herbig, M. Hayashi, K. Hiramatsu, S. Yamazaki, N. Kondo, S. Ohnuki, Y. Ohya, N. Nitta, and K. Goda, “Intelligent sort-timing prediction for image-activated cell sorting”, Cytometry Part A 103, 88 (2022)

22.       Y. Zhou, M. Nishikawa, H. Kanno, R. Yang, Y. Ibayashi, T. Xiao, W. Peterson, N. Nitta, S. Miyata, Y. Kanthi, G. K. Rohde, K. Moriya, Y. Yatomi, and K. Goda, “Long-term effects of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccinations on platelets”, Cytometry Part A doi.org/10.1002/cyto.a.24677 (2022)

23.       J. Harmon, J. Findinier, N. T. Ishii, M. Herbig, A. Isozaki, A. Grossman, and K. Goda, “Intelligent image-activated cell sorting by mitochondrial relocation”, Cytometry Part A 101, 1027 (2022)

24.       P. M. Pancorbo, H. Zhang, X. Yu, T. Xiao, and K. Goda, “Metal-free SERS: where we are now, where we are heading”, Europhysics Letters 136, 34001 (2022)

25.       D. Wang, X. Yuang, Y. Weng, S. Wei, K. Goda, S. Liu, and C. Lei, “Ultrafast imaging for uncovering laser-material interaction dynamics”, International Journal of Mechanical System Dynamics 2, 65 (2022)

26.       Y. Zhou, H. Kanno, M. Nishikawa, T. Xiao, K. Moriya, Y. Yatomi, and K. Goda, “Analysis of platelet aggregation by optofluidic imaging”, Journal of the Imaging Society of Japan 61, 588 (2022)

27.       H. Kanno, M. Nishikawa, Y. Zhou, T. Xiao, T. Suzuki, Y. Ibayashi, J. Harmon, S. Takizawa, K. Hiramatsu, N. Nitta, R. Kameyama, W. Peterson, J. Takiguchi, M. Shifat-E-Rabbi, Y. Zhuang, X. Yin, A. H. M. Rubaiyat, Y. Deng, H. Zhang, S. Miyata, G. K. Rohde, W. Iwasaki, Y. Yatomi, and K. Goda, “Analyzing circulating platelet aggregates in patients with COVID-19 by massive image-based single-cell profiling”, 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会誌 21, 1 (2022)

28.       K. Goda, “計画的セレンディピティが医学・創薬を革新する!”, 医学のあゆみ 282, 23252 (2022)

29.       K. Hiramatsu and K. Goda, “先端光技術で藻類バイオスクリーニング”, 遺伝 76, 450 (2022)

30.       M. Nishikawa, H. Kanno, Y. Zhou, T. Xiao, T. Suzuki, Y. Ibayashi, J. Harmon, S. Takizawa, K. Hiramatsu, N. Nitta, R. Kameyama, W. Peterson, J. Takiguchi, M. Shifat-E-Rabbi, Y. Zhuang, X. Yin, A. H. M. Rubaiyat, Y. Deng, H. Zhang, S. Miyata, G. K. Rohde, W. Iwasaki, Y. Yatomi, and K. Goda, “Massive image-based single-cell profiling reveals high levels of circulating platelet aggregates in patients with COVID-19”, Nature Communications 12, 7135 (2021)

31.       H. Koide, A. Okishima, Y. Hoshino, Y. Kamon, K. Yoshimatsu, K. Saito, I. Yamauchi, S. Ariizumi, Y. Zhou, T. Xiao, K. Goda, N. Oku, T. Asai, and K. J. Shea, “Synthetic hydrogel nanoparticles for sepsis therapy”, Nature Communications 12, 5552 (2021)

32.       T. Xiao, Z. Cheng, Z. Luo, A. Isozaki, K. Hiramatsu, T. Itoh, M. Nomura, S. Iwamoto, and K. Goda, “All-dielectric chiral-field-enhanced Raman optical activity”, Nature Communications 12, 3062 (2021)

33.       J. Gala de Pablo, M. Lindley, K. Hiramatsu, and K. Goda, “High-throughput Raman flow cytometry and beyond”, Accounts of Chemical Research 54, 2132 (2021)

34.       P. Cheng, X. Tian, W. Tang, J. Cheng, J. Bao, H. Wang, S. Zheng, Y. Wang, X. Wei, T. Chen, H. Feng, T. Xue, K. Goda, and H. He, “Direct control of store-operated calcium channels by ultrafast laser”, Cell Research 31, 758 (2021)

35.       Y. Zhou, A. Isozaki, A. Yasumoto, T. Xiao, Y. Yatomi, C. Lei, and K. Goda, “Intelligent platelet morphometry”, Trends in Biotechnology 39, 978 (2021)

36.       K. C. M. Lee, J. Guck, K. Goda, and K. K. Tsia, “Deep biophysical cytometry: prospects and challenges”, Trends in Biotechnology 39, 1249 (2021)

37.       R. Kameyama, S. Takizawa, K. Hiramatsu, and K. Goda, “Dual-comb coherent Raman spectroscopy with near 100% duty cycle”, ACS Photonics 8, 975 (2021)

38.       M. Xu, D. Yuan, S. Yan, C. Lei, K. Hiramatsu, J. Harmon, Y. Zhou, M. H. Loo, T. Hasunuma, A. Isozaki, and K. Goda, “Morphological indicator of Euglena gracilis with a high heavy metal removal efficiency”, Environmental Science and Technology 55, 7880 (2021)

39.       P. C. McCann, K. Hiramatsu, and K. Goda, “Highly sensitive low-frequency time-domain Raman spectroscopy via fluorescence-encoding”, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12, 7859 (2021)

40.       Y. Nakagawa, S. Ohnuki, N. Kondo, K. Itto, F. Ghanegolmohammadi, A. Isozaki, Y. Ohya, and K. Goda, “Are droplets really suitable for single-cell analysis? A case study on yeast in droplets”, Lab on a Chip 21, 3793 (2021)

41.       R. Bekdash, J. R. Quejada, S. Ueno, F. Kawano, K. Morikawa, U. Mahesh, R. Avula, E. Wan, S. L. Lee, K. Nakanishi, A. Chalan, T. Lee, R. Liu, S. Homma, S. O. Marx, K. Goda, and M. Yazawa, “GEM-IL: a highly responsive fluorescent lactate indicator”, Cell Reports Methods 1, 100092 (2021)

42.       M. H. Loo, Y. Nakagawa, A. Isozaki, and K. Goda, “High-throughput sorting of nanoliter droplets enabled by a sequentially addressable dielectrophoretic array”, Electrophoresis 43, 477 (2021)

43.       M. Lindley, J. Gala de Pablo, R. Kinegawa, K. Hiramatsu, and K. Goda, “Highly sensitive Fourier-transform coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy via genetic algorithm pulse shaping”, Optics Letters 46, 4320 (2021)

44.       A. Isozaki, D. Huang, Y. Nakagawa, and K. Goda, “Dual sequentially addressable dielectrophoretic array for high-throughput, scalable, multiplexed droplet sorting”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 25, 32 (2021)

45.       M. Li, H. Liu, S. Zhuang, and K. Goda, “Droplet flow cytometry for single-cell analysis”, RSC Advances 11, 20944 (2021)

46.       J. P. Houston, K. Goda, and A. Filby, “CYTO Virtual”, Cytometry Part A 99, 127 (2021)

47.       K. Goda, “科学の成長モデルの変化と今後の展望”, 光学 50, 216 (2021)

48.       A. Isozaki, N. Nitta, T. Sugimura, and K. Goda, “画像活性セルソーター:画像情報に基づく生きた細胞の高速分取法”, 実験医学増刊 39, 198 (2021)

49.       Y. Zhou, H. Kanno, T. Xiao, R. Shakhmatov, Y. Ibayashi, M. Nishikawa, Y. Yatomi, and K. Goda, “COVID-19の診断補助に向けたタイムストレッチ・イメージング”, レーザー研究 49, 228 (2021)

50.       K. Hiramatsu and K. Goda, “バイオイメージング極秘ファイル:展望”, Optronics 12 (2021)

51.       K. Goda, T. Itoh, and T. Xiao, “多孔性炭素ナノワイヤを用いた金属フリーの表面増強ラマン分光法”, 光技術動向調査報告書 (2021)

52.       K. Tsia and K. Goda, “High-speed biomedical imaging and spectroscopy VI”, SPIE Proceedings 11654 (2021)

53.       N. Chen, T. Xiao, Z. Luo, Y. Kitahama, K. Hiramatsu, N. Kishimoto, T. Ito, Z. Cheng, and K. Goda, “Porous carbon nanowire array for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy”, Nature Communications 11, 4772 (2020)

54.       N. Nitta, T. Iino, A. Isozaki, M. Yamagishi, Y. Kitahama, S. Sakuma, Y. Suzuki, H. Tezuka, M. Oikawa, F. Arai, T. Asai, D. Deng, H. Fukuzawa, M. Hase, T. Hasunuma, T. Hayakawa, K. Hiraki, K. Hiramatsu, Y. Hoshino, M. Inaba, Y. Inoue, T. Ito, M. Kajikawa, H. Karakawa, Y. Kasai, Y. Kato, H. Kobayashi, C. Lei, S. Matsusaka, H. Mikami, A. Nakagawa, K. Numata, T. Ota, T. Sekiya, K. Shiba, Y. Shirasaki, N. Suzuki, S. Tanaka, S. Ueno, H. Watarai, T. Yamano, M. Yazawa, Y. Yonamine, D. Di Carlo, Y. Hosokawa, S. Uemura, T. Sugimura, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “Raman image-activated cell sorting”, Nature Communications 11, 3452 (2020)

55.       H. Mikami, M. Kawaguchi, C.-J. Huang, H. Matsumura, T. Sugimura, K. Huang, C. Lei, S. Ueno, T. Miura, T. Ito, K. Nagasawa, T. Maeno, H. Watarai, M. Yamagishi, S. Uemura, S. Ohnuki, Y. Ohya, H. Kurokawa, S. Matsusaka, C.-W. Sun, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “Virtual-freezing fluorescence imaging flow cytometry”, Nature Communications 11, 1162 (2020)

56.       A. Isozaki, Y. Shibata, N. Tanaka, D. L. Setyaningrum, Y. Nakagawa, M. H. Loo, J. Park, Y. Shirasaki, D. Huang, C. Riche, H. Tsoi, T. Ota, H. Miwa, Y. Kanda, T. Ito, K. Yamada, O. Iwata, K. Suzuki, Y. Kato, T. Hasunuma, S. Matsusaka, M. Yamagishi, M. Yazawa, S. Uemura, K. Nagasawa, H. Watarai, D. Di Carlo, and K. Goda, “Sequentially addressable dielectrophoretic array for high-throughput sorting of large-volume biological compartments”, Science Advances 6, eaba6712 (2020)

57.       Y. Zhou, A. Yasumoto, C. Lei, C.-J. Huang, H. Kobayashi, Y. Wu, S. Yan, C.-W. Sun, Y. Yatomi, and K. Goda, “Intelligent classification of platelet aggregates by agonist type”, eLife 9, e52938 (2020)

58.       A. Isozaki, J. Harmon, Y. Zhou, S. Li, Y. Nakagawa, M. Hayashi, H. Mikami, C. Lei, and K. Goda, “AI on a chip”, Lab on a Chip 20, 3074 (2020)

59.       A. Isozaki, H. Mikami, H. Tezuka, H. Matsumura, K. Huang, M. Akamine, K. Hiramatsu, T. Iino, T. Ito, H. Karakawa, Y. Kasai, Y. Li, Y. Nakagawa, S. Ohnuki, T. Ota, Y. Qian, S. Sakuma, T. Sekiya, Y. Shirasaki, N. Suzuki, E. Tayyabi, T. Wakamiya, M. Xu, M. Yamagishi, H. Yan, Q. Yu, S. Yan, D. Yuan, W. Zhang, Y. Zhao, F. Arai, R. E. Campbell, C. Danelon, D. Di Carlo, K. Hiraki, Y. Hoshino, Y. Hosokawa, M. Inaba, A. Nakagawa, Y. Ohya, M. Oikawa, S. Uemura, Y. Ozeki, T. Sugimura, N. Nitta, and K. Goda, “Intelligent image-activated cell sorting 2.0”, Lab on a Chip 20, 2263 (2020)

60.       H. Yan, Y. Wu, Y. Zhou, M. Xu, P. Paie, C. Lei, S. Yan, and K. Goda, “Virtual optofluidic time-stretch quantitative phase imaging”, APL Photonics 5, 046103 (2020)

61.       K. Goda, B. Jalali, C. Lei G. Situ, and P. Westbrook, “AI boosts photonics and vice versa”, APL Photonics 5, 070401 (2020)

62.       K. Goda, G. Popescu, K. Tsia, D. Psaltis, “Computational optical imaging goes viral”, APL Photonics 5, 030401 (2020)

63.       K. Hiramatsu, K. Yamada, M. Lindley, K. Suzuki, and K. Goda, “Large-scale label-free single-cell analysis of paramylon in Euglena gracilis by high-throughput broadband Raman flow cytometry”, Biomedical Optics Express 11, 1752 (2020)

64.       S. Takizawa, K. Hiramatsu, and K. Goda, “Compressed time-domain coherent Raman spectroscopy with real-time random sampling”, Vibrational Spectroscopy 107, 103042 (2020)

65.       H. Kanno, H. Mikami, and K. Goda, “High-speed single-pixel imaging by frequency-time-division multiplexing”, Optics Letters 45, 2339 (2020)

66.       Y. Weng, G. Wu, L. Mei, Q. Wang, K. Goda, S. Liu, and C. Lei, “Temporally interleaved optical time-stretch imaging”, Optics Letters 45, 2387 (2020)

67.       Y. Wu, Y. Zhou, C.-J. Huang, H. Kobayashi, S. Yan, Y. Ozeki, Y. Wu, C.-W. Sun, A. Yasumoto, Y. Yatomi, C. Lei, and K. Goda, “Intelligent frequency-shifted optofluidic time-stretch quantitative phase imaging”, Optics Express 28, 519 (2020)

68.       T. Saiki, T. Hosobata, Y. Kono, M. Takeda, A. Ishijima, M. Tamamitsu, Y. Kitagawa, K. Goda, S. Morita, S. Ozaki, K. Motohara, Y. Yamagata, K. Nakagawa, and I. Sakuma, “Sequentially timed all-optical mapping photography boosted by a branched 4f system with a slicing mirror”, Optics Express 28, 31914 (2020)

69.       Y. Weng, L. Mei, G. Wu, S. Chen, B. Zhan, K. Goda, S. Liu, and C. Lei, “Analysis of signal detection configurations in optical time-stretch imaging”, Optics Express 28, 29272 (2020)

70.       Y. Yonamine, K. Hiramatsu, T. Ideguchi, T. Ito, T. Fujiwara, Y. Miura, K. Goda, and Y. Hoshino, “Spatiotemporal monitoring of intracellular metabolic dynamics by resonance Raman microscopy with stable isotope labeling”, RSC Advances 10, 16679 (2020)

71.       J. Harmon, H. Mikami, H. Kanno, T. Ito, and K. Goda, “Accurate classification of microalgae by intelligent frequency-division-multiplexed fluorescence imaging flow cytometry”, OSA Continuum 3, 430 (2020)

72.       K. Goda, “Quantum light and quantum life: understanding quantum-biological phenomena by quantum technology”, Optronics 8, 54 (2020)

73.       A. Nakagawa, N. Nitta, T. Sugimura, A. Isozaki, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “インテリジェント画像活性細胞選抜法 医療・生命科学分野への展開”, 医学のあゆみ 273, 20524 (2020)

74.       K. Tsia and K. Goda, “High-speed biomedical imaging and spectroscopy V”, SPIE Proceedings 11250 (2020)

75.       A. Isozaki, H. Mikami, K. Hiramatsu, S. Sakuma, Y. Kasai, T. Iino, T. Yamano, A. Yasumoto, Y. Oguchi, N. Suzuki, Y. Shirasaki, T. Endo, T. Ito, K. Hiraki, M. Yamada, S. Matsusaka, T. Hayakawa, H. Fukuzawa, Y. Yatomi, F. Arai, D. Di Carlo, A. Nakagawa, Y. Hoshino, Y. Hosokawa, S. Uemura, T. Sugimura, Y. Ozeki, N. Nitta, and K. Goda, “A practical guide to intelligent image-activated cell sorting”, Nature Protocols 14, 2370 (2019)

76.       K. Hiramatsu, T. Ideguchi, Y. Yonamine, S. Lee, Y. Luo, K. Hashimoto, T. Ito, M. Hase, J. Park, Y. Kasai, S. Sakuma, T. Hayakawa, F. Arai, Y. Hoshino, and K. Goda, “High-throughput label-free molecular fingerprinting flow cytometry”, Science Advances 5, eaau0241 (2019)

77.       Y. Suzuki, K. Kobayashi, Y. Wakisaka, D. Deng, Y. Fujiwaki, H. Liu, S. Tanaka, C.-J. Huang, C. Lei, S. Lee, A. Isozaki, Y. Kasai, T. Hayakawa, S. Sakuma, F. Arai, K. Koizumi, H. Tezuka, M. Inaba, K. Hiraki, T. Ito, M. Hase, S. Matsusaka, K. Shiba, K. Suga, M. Nishikawa, M. Jona, Y. Yatomi, Y. Yaxiaer, Y. Tanaka, T. Sugimura, N. Nitta, K. Goda, and Y. Ozeki, “Label-free chemical imaging flow cytometry by high-speed multicolor stimulated Raman scattering”, PNAS 116, 15842 (2019)

78.       M. Lindley, K. Hiramatsu, H. Nomoto, F. Shibata, T. Takeshita, S. Kawano, and K. Goda, “Ultrafast simultaneous Raman-fluorescence spectroscopy”, Analytical Chemistry 91, 15563 (2019)

79.       A. Cossarizza et al, “Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition)”, European Journal of Immunology 49, 1457 (2019)

80.       H. Kobayashi, C. Lei, Y. Wu, C.-J. Huang, A. Yasumoto, M. Jona, W. Li, Y. Yaxiaer, Y. Jiang, B. Guo, C.-W. Sun, Y. Tanaka, M. Yamada, Y. Yatomi, and K. Goda, “Intelligent whole-blood imaging flow cytometry for simple, rapid, cost-effective drug-susceptibility testing of leukemia”, Lab on a Chip 19, 2688 (2019)

81.       T. Iino, S. W. Lee, K. Okano, H. Hagihara, T. Yamakawa, H. Z. Yi, T. Maeno, Y. Kasai, T. Hayakawa, S. Sakuma, F. Arai, K. Goda, and Y. Hosokawa, “High-speed microparticle isolation unlimited by Poisson statistics”, Lab on a Chip 19, 2669 (2019)

82.       K. Goda, “Biophotonics and beyond”, APL Photonics 4, 050401 (2019)

83.       H. Kanno, H. Mikami, Y. Kaya, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “Simple, stable, compact implementation of frequency-division-multiplexed microscopy by inline interferometry“, Optics Letters 44, 467 (2019)

84.       W. Peterson, K. Hiramatsu, and K. Goda, “Sagnac-enhanced impulsive stimulated Raman scattering for highly sensitive low-frequency Raman spectroscopy”, Optics Letters 44, 5282 (2019)

85.       Y. Yalikun, N. Ota, B. Guo, T. Tang, Y. Zhou, C. Lei, H. Kobayashi, Y. Hosokawa, M. Li, H. E. Munoz, D. Di Carlo, K. Goda, and Y. Tanaka, “Effect of flow-induced microfluidic chip deformation on imaging flow cytometry”, Cytometry Part A 97, 909 (2019)

86.       F. Zhang, C. Lei, C.-J. Huang, H. Kobayashi, C.-W. Sun, and K. Goda, “Intelligent image de-blurring for imaging flow cytometry”, Cytometry Part A 95, 549 (2019)

87.       K. Goda, N. Nitta, and A. Filby, “In flow cytometry, image is everything”, Cytometry Part A 95, 475 (2019)

88.       N. Ota, Y. Yalikun, T. Suzuki, S. Lee, Y. Hosokawa, K. Goda, and Y. Tanaka, “Enhancement in acoustic focusing of micro and nanoparticles by thinning a microfluidic device”, Royal Society Open Science 6, 181776 (2019)

89.       D. Di Carlo, F. Arai, K. Goda, T. Huang, Y.-H. Lo, N. Nitta, Y. Ozeki, K. Tsia, S. Uemura, and K. Wong, “Comment on ghost cytometry”, Science 364, eaav1429 (2019)

90.       R. Kinegawa, K. Hiramatsu, K. Hashimoto, V. R. Badarla, T. Ideguchi, and K. Goda, “High-speed broadband Fourier-transform coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectral microscopy”, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 50, 1141 (2019)

91.       K. Goda, “Publicationの危機、解決へリーダーシップを”, Nature Digest 16, 20 (2019)

92.       K. Hiramatsu and K. Goda, “高速ラマン分光法を利用した細胞個性を無標識・大規模計測”, Bioscience & Industry 77, 308 (2019)

93.       K. Goda, “細胞検索エンジンが拓く新世界”, 応用物理 88, 522 (2019)

94.       D. Wu, H. Kobayashi, C. Ding, C. Lei, K. Goda, and M. Ghassemi, “Modeling the biological pathology continuum with HSIC-regularized Wasserstein auto-encoders”, 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (2019)

95.       W. Zhao, C. Lei, H. Huang, K. Goda, and H. Chen, “A comparison of image recognition algorithms for cell phenotyping in optofluidic time-stretch microscopy”, SPIE Photonics Asia, Beijing, China, doi.org/10.1117/12.2537782 (2019)

96.       A. Isozaki, H. Mikami, K. Hiramatsu, and K. Goda, “高速蛍光イメージング・ラマン分光法と生物学・医学への展開”, オプトロニクス 9 (2019)

97.       K. Tsia and K. Goda, “High-speed biomedical imaging and spectroscopy IV”, SPIE Proceedings 10889 (2021)

98.       A. Isozaki, Y. Nakagawa, M. H. Loo, Y. Shibata, N. Tanaka, D. L. Setyaningrum, J.-W. Park, Y. Shirasaki, H. Mikami, S. Uemura, D. Di Carlo, and K. Goda, “電極アレイを用いた高速液滴分取”, 化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会, 18, 33 (2019)

99.       N. Nitta, T. Sugimura, A. Isozaki, H. Mikami, K. Hiraki, S. Sakuma, T. Iino, F. Arai, T. Endo, Y. Fujiwaki, H. Fukuzawa, M. Hase, T. Hayakawa, K. Hiramatsu, Y. Hoshino, M. Inaba, T. Ito, H. Karakawa, Y. Kasai, K. Koizumi, S. Lee, C. Lei, M. Li, T. Maeno, S. Matsusaka, D. Murakami, A. Nakagawa, Y. Oguchi, M. Oikawa, T. Ota, K. Shiba, H. Shintaku, Y. Shirasaki, K. Suga, Y. Suzuki, N. Suzuki, Y. Tanaka, H. Tezuka, C. Toyokawa, Y. Yalikun, M. Yamada, M. Yamagishi, T. Yamano, A. Yasumoto, Y. Yatomi, M. Yazawa, D. Di Carlo, Y. Hosokawa, S. Uemura, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “Intelligent image-activated cell sorting“, Cell 175, 266 (2018)

100.    C. Lei, H. Kobayashi, D. Wu, M. Li, A. Isozaki, A. Yasumoto, H. Mikami, T. Ito, N. Nitta, T. Sugimura, M. Yamada, Y. Yatomi, D. Di Carlo, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “High-throughput imaging flow cytometry by optofluidic time-stretch microscopy“, Nature Protocols 13, 1603 (2018)

101.    H. Mikami, J. Harmon, H. Kobayashi, S. Hamad, Y. Wang, O. Iwata, K. Suzuki, T. Ito, Y. Aisaka, N. Kutsuna, K. Nagasawa, H. Watarai, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “Ultrafast confocal fluorescence microscopy beyond the fluorescence lifetime limit“, Optica 5, 117 (2018)

102.    M. Li, M. van Zee, C. T. Riche, B. Tofig, S. Gallaher, S. Merchant, R. Damoiseaux, K. Goda, and D. Di Carlo, “A gelatin microdroplet platform for high-throughput sorting of hyperproducing single-cell-derived microalgal clones“, Small 14, 1803315 (2018)

103.    H. Mikami, C. Lei, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “High-speed imaging meets single-cell analysis“, Chem 4, 1 (2018)

104.    H. E. Munoz, M. Li, C. T. Riche, N. Nitta, E. Diebold, J. Lin, K. Owsley, M. Bahr, K. Goda, and D. Di Carlo, “Single-cell analysis of morphological and metabolic heterogeneity in Euglena gracilis by fluorescence imaging flow cytometry“, Analytical Chemistry 90, 11280 (2018)

105.    M. Li, M. van Zee, K. Goda, and D. Di Carlo, “Size-based sorting of hydrogel droplets using inertial microfluidics“, Lab on a Chip 18, 2575 (2018)

106.    T. Xiao, Z. Bao, Z. Cheng, and K. Goda, “Giant optical activity in an all-dielectric spiral nanoflower“, Small 14, 1800485 (2018)

107.    T.-H. Xiao, Z. Zhao, W. Zhou, M. Takenaka, H. K. Tsang, Z. Cheng, and K. Goda, “Mid-infrared high-Q germanium nanocavity“, Photonics Research 43, 2885 (2018)

108.    T. Miura, H. Mikami, A. Isozaki, T. Ito, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “On-chip light-sheet fluorescence imaging flow cytometry at a high flow speed of 1 m/s“, Biomedical Optics Express 9, 3424 (2018)

109.    C. Lei and K. Goda, “The complete optical oscilloscope“, Nature Photonics 12, 190 (2018)

110.    T. Ideguchi, T. Nakamura, S. Takizawa, M. Tamamitsu, S. Lee, K. Hiramatsu, V. R. Badarla, J. Park, Y. Kasai, T. Hayakawa, S. Sakuma, F. Arai, and K. Goda, “Microfluidic single-particle chemical analyzer with dual-comb coherent Raman spectroscopy“, Optics Letters 43, 4057 (2018)

111.    T. Xiao, Z. Zhao, W. Zhou, C. Chang, S. Y. Set, M. Takenaka, H. K. Tsang, Z. Cheng, and K. Goda, “Mid-infrared high-Q germanium microring resonator“, Optics Letters 43, 2885 (2018)

112.    C. Lei, N. Nitta, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “Optofluidic time-stretch imaging: recent advances“, Optical Review 25, 464 (2018)

113.    T. Maeno, T. Uzawa, I. Kono, K. Okano, T. Iino, K. Fukita, O. Iwata, K. Suzuki, T. Ito, K. Goda, and Y. Hosokawa, “Targeted delivery of fluorogenic peptide aptamers into live microalgae by femtosecond laser photoporation at single-cell resolution“, Scientific Reports 8, 8271 (2018)

114.    K. Goda, A. Zumbusch, Z. Huang, and Y. Ozeki, “Guest editorial: Special topic on coherent Raman spectroscopy and imaging“, APL Photonics 3, 090401 (2018)

115.    Y. Ozeki and K. Goda, “Opening a new world by unconventional bioimaging“, Optronics 37, 62 (2018)

116.    C. Lei, H. Kobayashi, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “Optical time-stretch imaging for biofuel production, medical diagnostics, and drug discovery“, Optronics 37, 74 (2018)

117.    H. Mikami, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “Ultrafast confocal fluorescence microscopy using telecommunication technology“, Optronics 37, 94 (2018)

118.    T. Xiao, Z. Cheng, and K. Goda, “高性能ナノデバイスを実現する螺旋状ナノフラワー“, 化学 74, 45 (2018)

119.    K. Goda and N. Nitta, “スーパースター細胞を超高速に発見する“, 理学部ニュース 11, 6 (2018)

120.    K. Tsia and K. Goda, “High-speed biomedical imaging and spectroscopy III: toward big data instrumentation and management”, SPIE Proceedings 10505 (2018)

121.    C. V. Hoang, K. Hayashi, Y. Ito, G. Naoki, S. Xi, Z. Cheng, K. Ueno, K. Goda, and H. Misawa, “Interplay of hot electrons from localized and propagating plasmons“, Nature Communications 8, 771 (2017)

122.    Y. Jiang, C. Lei, A. Yasumoto, T. Ito, B. Guo, H. Kobayashi, Y. Ozeki, Y. Yatomi, and K. Goda, “Label-free detection of aggregated platelets in blood by machine-learning-aided optofluidic time-stretch microscopy“, Lab on a Chip 17, 2426 (2017)

123.    H. Kobayashi, C. Lei, A. Mao, Y. Jiang, Y. Wu, B. Guo, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “Label-free detection of cellular drug responses by high-throughput bright-field imaging and machine learning“, Scientific Reports 7, 12454 (2017)

124.    M. Li, H. E. Munoz, K. Goda, and D. Di Carlo, “Shape-based separation of microalga Euglena gracilis using inertial microfluidics“, Scientific Reports 7, 10802 (2017)

125.    B. Guo, C. Lei, T. Ito, Y. Yaxiaer, H. Kobayashi, Y. Jiang, Y. Tanaka, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “High-throughput label-free single-cell microalgal lipid screening by machine-learning-equipped optofluidic time-stretch quantitative phase microscopy“, Cytometry Part A 91, 494 (2017)

126.    K. Hiramatsu, Y. Luo, T. Ideguchi, and K. Goda, “Rapid-scan Fourier-transform coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy with heterodyne detection“, Optics Letters 42, 4335 (2017)

127.    T.-H. Xiao, Z. Zhao, W. Zhou, M. Takenaka, H. K. Tsang, Z. Cheng, and K. Goda, “Mid-infrared germanium photonic crystal cavity“, Optics Letters 42, 2882 (2017)

128.    J. Kang, Z. Cheng, W. Zhou, T.-H. Xiao, K.-L. Gopalakrisna, M. Takenaka, H. K. Tsang, and K. Goda, “A focusing subwavelength grating coupler for mid-infrared suspended membrane Ge waveguides“, Optics Letters 42, 2094 (2017)

129.    Y. Yonamine, Y. Suzuki, T. Ito, Y. Miura, K. Goda, Y. Ozeki, and Y. Hoshino, “Monitoring photosynthetic activity in live microalgal cells by Raman spectroscopy with deuterium oxide as a tracking probe“, ChemBioChem 18, 2063 (2017)

130.    T.-H. Xiao, Z. Cheng, and K. Goda, “Graphene-on-silicon hybrid plasmonic-photonic integrated circuits“, Nanotechnology 28, 245201 (2017)

131.    B. Guo, C. Lei, Y. Wu, H. Kobayashi, T. Ito, A. Yasumoto, Y. Yaxiaer, S. W. Lee, A. Isozaki, M. Li, Y. Jiang, A. Yasumoto, D. Di Carlo, Y. Tanaka, Y. Yatomi, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “Optofluidic time-stretch quantitative phase microscopy“, Methods 136, 116 (2017)

132.    C. Lei, Y. Wu, A. C. Sankaranarayanan, S. Chang, B. Guo, N. Sasaki, H. Kobayashi, C. Sun, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “GHz optical time-stretch microscopy by compressive sensing“, IEEE Photonics Journal 9, 3900308 (2017)

133.    C. Lei, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “Large-scale label-free single-cell analysis by optofluidic time-stretch microscopy and artificial intelligence“, Japanese Journal of Optics 46, 282 (2017)

134.    Y. Ozeki, Y. Suzuki, Y. Wakisaka, and K. Goda, “Single-cell metabolite analysis of Euglena gracilis with stimulated Raman scattering”, Japanese Journal of Optics 46, 247 (2017)

135.    T. Ideguchi and K. Goda, “Broadband coherent Raman spectroscopy running at 24,000 spectra per second”, Japanese Journal of Optics 46, 228 (2017)

136.    Y. Ozeki, Y. Suzuki, Y. Wakisaka, and K. Goda, “誘導ラマン散乱顕微法による生きた微細藻類の1細胞代謝物解析“, Optical Alliance 28, 11 (2017)

137.    Y. Ozeki and K. Goda, “微細藻類の高速・無標識・一細胞代謝物イメージング“, Bioscience & Industry 75, 204 (2017)

138.    K. Hiramatsu, T. Ideguchi, and K. Goda, “高速無標識バイオイメージングに向けたFourier-transform CARS“, Optical Alliance 28, 48 (2017)

139.    O. Iwata, K. Yamada, T. Ito, K. Suzuki, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “スーパー微細藻類バイオ燃料の創出に向けた基盤技術“, 生物物理 57, 235 (2017)

140.    Y. Ozeki, T. Ideguchi, and K. Goda, “高速ラマン計測による生命科学へのアプローチ“, 電気学会誌 137, 768 (2017)

141.    K. Goda, “2030年のサイエンスと革命前夜”, 理学部ニュース 5, 3 (2017)

142.    M. Tamamitsu, Y. Sakaki, T. Nakamura, G. K. Podagatlapalli, T. Ideguchi, and K. Goda, “Ultrafast broadband Fourier-transform CARS spectroscopy operating at 50,000 spectra/second“, Proceedings of SPIE doi:10.1117/12.2249726 (2017)

143.    B. Guo, C. Lei, T. Ito, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “High-throughput label-free screening of Euglena gracilis with optofluidic time-stretch quantitative phase microscopy“, Proceedings of SPIE doi:10.1117/12.2251157 (2017)

144.    Y. Suzuki, Y. Wakisaka, O. Iwata, A. Nakashima, T. Ito, M. Hirose, R. Domon, M. Sugawara, N. Tsumura, H. Watarai, T. Shimobaba, K. Suzuki, K. Goda, and Y. Ozeki, “High-speed stimulated Raman scattering microscopy for studying the metabolic diversity of motile Euglena gracilis“, Proceedings of SPIE doi:10.1117/12.2250455 (2017)

145.    H. Mikami, J. Harmon, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “High-speed bioimaging with frequency-division-multiplexed fluorescence confocal microscopy“, Proceedings of SPIE doi:10.1117/12.2272924 (2017)

146.    Y. Wakisaka, Y. Suzuki, O. Iwata, A. Nakashima, T. Ito, M. Hirose, R. Domon, M. Sugawara, N. Tsumura, H. Watarai, T. Shimobaba, K. Suzuki, K. Goda, and Y. Ozeki, “Probing the metabolic heterogeneity of live Euglena gracilis with stimulated Raman scattering microscopy“, Nature Microbiology 1, 16124 (2016)

147.    T. Ideguchi, T. Nakamura, Y. Kobayashi, and K. Goda, “Kerr-lens mode-locked bidirectional dual-comb ring laser for broadband dual-comb spectroscopy“, Optica 3, 748 (2016)

148.    K. Hashimoto, M. Takahashi, T. Ideguchi, and K. Goda, “Broadband coherent Raman spectroscopy running at 24,000 spectra per second“, Scientific Reports 6, 21036 (2016)

149.    K. Yamada, H. Suzuki, T. Takeuchi, Y. Kazama, S. Mitra, T. Abe, K. Goda, K. Suzuki, and O. Iwata, “Efficient selective breeding of live oil-rich Euglena gracilis with fluorescence-activated cell sorting“, Scientific Reports 6, 26327 (2016)

150.    C. Lei, B. Guo, Z. Cheng, and K. Goda, “Optical time-stretch imaging: principles and applications“, Applied Physics Reviews 3, 011102 (2016)

151.    C. Lei, T. Ito, M. Ugawa, T. Nozawa, O. Iwata, M. Maki, G. Okada, H. Kobayashi, X. Sun, P. Tiamsak, N. Tsumura, K. Suzuki, D. Di Carlo, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “High-throughput label-free image cytometry and image-based classification of live Euglena gracilis“, Biomedical Optics Express 7, 2703 (2016)

152.    M. Li, H. E. Munoz, A. Schmidt, B. Guo, C. Lei, K. Goda, and D. Di Carlo, “Inertial focusing of ellipsoid Euglena gracilis cells in a stepped microchannel“, Lab on a Chip 16, 4458 (2016)

153.    M. Tamamitsu, Y. Sakaki, T. Nakamura, G. K. Podagatlapalli, T. Ideguchi, and K. Goda, “Ultrafast broadband Fourier-transform CARS spectroscopy at 50,000 spectra/second enabled by a scanning Fourier-domain delay line“, Vibrational Spectroscopy 91, 163 (2016)

154.    B. Guo, C. Lei, T. Ito, Y. Jiang, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “High-throughput accurate single-cell screening of Euglena gracilis with fluorescence-assisted optofluidic time-stretch microscopy“, PLoS ONE 11, e0166214 (2016)

155.    J.-W. Park, S. H. Kim, T. Ito, T. Fujii, S. Y. Kim, T. Laurell, S. W. Lee, and K. Goda, “Acoustofluidic harvesting of microalgae on a single chip“, Biomicrofluidics 10, 034119 (2016)

156.    A. Phatak, Z. Cheng, C. Qin, and K. Goda, “Design of electro-optic modulators based on graphene-on-silicon slot waveguides“, Optics Letters 41, 2501 (2016)

157.    Z. Cheng and K. Goda, “Design of waveguide-integrated graphene devices for photonic gas sensing“, Nanotechnology 27, 505206 (2016)

158.    H. Mikami, L. Gao, and K. Goda, “Ultrafast optical imaging technology: principles and applications of emerging methods“, Nanophotonics 5, 98 (2016)

159.    Z. Cheng, C. Qin, F. Wang, H. He, and K. Goda, “Progress on mid-IR graphene photonics and biochemical applications“, Frontiers of Optoelectronics 9, 1 (2016)

160.    C. Lei, Z. Cheng, and K. Goda, “Cancer detection with high-throughput image cytometry”, Medical Imaging Technology 34, 68 (2016)

161.    H. Mikami, C. Lei, Y. Suzuki, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “超高速イメージングで生命科学“, O plus E 38, 922 (2016)

162.    K. Hashimoto, T. Ideguchi, and K. Goda, “高速の化学分析が可能に!高速広帯域コヒーレントラマン分光の実現”, 化学 71, 68 (2016)

163.    A. Yazaki, K. Goda, and B. Jalali, “超高速表面検査を実現する分散融合型暗視野レーザスキャナ”, 画像ラボ 27, 1 (2016)

164.    H. Mikami and K. Goda, “異分野融合がセレンディピティを引き起こす”, 理学部ニュース 5, 8 (2016)

165.    H. He, K. Nakagawa, Y. Wang, Y. Hosokawa, and K. Goda, “Mechanism for microtsunami-induced intercellular mechanosignalling“, Nature Photonics 9, 623 (2015)

166.    T. Ishida, T. Sato, T. Ishikawa, M. Oguma, N. Itamura, K. Goda, N. Sasaki, and H. Fujita, “Time-lapse nanoscopy of friction in the non-Amontons and non-Coulomb regime“, Nano Letters 15, 1476 (2015)

167.    M. Ugawa, C. Lei, T. Nozawa, T. Ideguchi, D. Di Carlo, S. Ota, Y. Ozeki, and K. Goda, “High-throughput optofluidic particle profiling with morphological and chemical specificity“, Optics Letters 40, 4803 (2015)

168.    M. Tamamitsu, K. Nakagawa, R. Horisaki, A. Iwasaki, Y. Oishi, A. Tsukamoto, F. Kannari, I. Sakuma, and K. Goda, “Design for sequentially timed all-optical mapping photography with optimum temporal performance“, Optics Letters 40, 633 (2015)

169.    T. Suzuki, F. Isa, L. Fujii, K. Hirosawa, K. Nakagawa, K. Goda, I. Sakuma, and F. Kannari, “Sequentially timed all-optical mapping photography (STAMP) utilizing spectral filtering“, Optics Express 23, 30512 (2015)

170.    M. Tamamitsu, Y. Kitagawa, K. Nakagawa, R. Horisaki, Y. Oishi, S. Morita, Y. Yamagata, K. Motohara, and K. Goda, “Spectrum slicer for snapshot spectral imaging“, Optical Engineering 54, 123115 (2015)

171.    K. Nakagawa, F. Kannari, I. Sakuma, and K. Goda, “Photography on the femtosecond scale“, Imaging & Microscopy 4, 44 (2015)

172.    M. Ugawa, T. Ideguchi, and K. Goda, “Ultrafast spectroscopy and its applications enabled by time-domain Fourier optics“, Review of Laser Engineering 43, 193 (2015)

173.    K. Nakagawa and K. Goda, “Sequentially timed all-optical mapping photography for capturing picosecond-to-femtosecond dynamics”, Journal of Japan Laser Processing Society 22, 225 (2015)

174.    K. Nakagawa, “STAMP (Sequentially timed all-optical mapping photography) for observation of ultrafast non-repetitive phenomena”, Review of Laser Engineering 43, 198 (2015)

175.    K. Nakagawa and K. Goda, “超高速光学撮像法が拓くフロンティア“, 応用物理 84, 409 (2015)

176.    K. Nakagawa, H. Kobayashi, G. Yu, Y. Wakisaka, T. Nozawa, and K. Goda, “高速・高分解能ブレインイメージングに向けた技術革新”, Brain Science Review, クバプロ (2015)

177.    A. Yazaki, K. Goda, and B. Jalali, “超高速表面検査を実現する分散融合型暗視野レーザスキャナー”, 映像情報メディア学会誌 69, 574 (2015)

178.    K. Nakagawa and K. Goda, “1兆分の1秒以下の世界を捉える連写撮影法”, 画像ラボ 26, 13 (2015)

179.    K. Nakagawa, A. Iwasaki, Y. Oishi, R. Horisaki, A. Tsukamoto, A. Nakamura, K. Hirosawa, H. Liao, T. Ushida, K. Goda, F. Kannari, and I. Sakuma, “Sequentially timed all-optical mapping photography“, Nature Photonics 8, 695 (2014)

180.    K. Hashimoto, H. Mizuno, K. Nakagawa, R. Horisaki, A. Iwasaki, F. Kannari, I. Sakuma, and K. Goda, “High-speed multispectral videography with a periscope array in a spectral shaper“, Optics Letters 39, 6942 (2014)

181.    A. Yazaki, C. Kim, J. Chan, A. Mahjoubfar, K. Goda, M. Watanabe, and B. Jalali, “Ultrafast dark-field surface inspection with hybrid-dispersion laser scanning“, Applied Physics Letters 104, 251106 (2014)

182.    M. Ugawa, H. Kobayashi, and K. Goda, “Ultrafast optical imaging for freezing fast dynamics”, Japanese Journal of Optics 3, 124 (2014)

183.    K. Nakagawa, I. Sakuma, F. Kannari, and K. Goda, “Motion picture femtophotography”, Optics & Photonics News 59, December (2014)

184.    M. Takahashi, Y. Sakaki, T. Ideguchi, and K. Goda, 「分散フーリエ分光法・デュアルコム分光法を用いた新規な超高速分光測定」, 分光研究 63, 5, 210 (2014)

185.    M. Ugawa, T. Ideguchi, and K. Goda, 「迅速・非侵襲に血中がん細胞を発見するカメラ」, PET Journal 28, 28 (2014)

186.    K. Nakagawa and K. Goda, 1兆分の1秒以下の世界を捉える連写カメラ」, セラミックス 49, 12 (2014)

187.    A. Nakagawa, K. Ohtani, K. Goda, R. Armonda, and E. Tominaga, 「爆風による外傷性脳損傷 (blast-induced traumatic brain injury), Annual Review 神経, 192 (2014)

188.    B. Jalali, M. Li, K. Goda, and M. H. Asghari, “Real-time photonic measurements, data management, and processing”, Proceedings of SPIE 9279 (2014)

189.    K. Goda and B. Jalali, “Dispersive Fourier transformation for fast continuous single-shot measurements“, Nature Photonics 7, 102 (2013)

190.    H. Chen, C. Wang, A. Yazaki, C. Kim, K. Goda, and B. Jalali, “Ultrafast web inspection with hybrid dispersion laser scanner“, Applied Optics 52, 4072 (2013)

191.    A. Mahjoubfar, K. Goda, G. Betts, and B. Jalali, “Optically amplified detection for biomedical sensing and imaging“, Journal of Optical Society of America A 30, 2124 (2013)

192.    M. Takahashi and K. Goda, 「超高速光イメージング技術を用いた低コストがん診断法」, 映像情報インダストリアル, 5月号 (2013)

193.    K. Goda, A. Ayazi, D. R. Gossett, J. Sadasivam, C. K. Lonappan, E. Sollier, A. Fard, S. C. Hur, J. Adam, C. Murray, C. Wang, N. Brackbill, D. Di Carlo, and B. Jalali, “High-throughput single-microparticle imaging flow analyzer“, PNAS (2012)

194.    K. Goda, A. Mahjoubfar, C. Wang, A. Fard, J. Adam, D. R. Gossett, A. Ayazi, O. Malik, E. Chen, D. Di Carlo, and B. Jalali, “Hybrid dispersion laser scanner“, Scientific Reports 2, 445 (2012)

195.    D. R. Gossett, H. T. K. Tse, J. Dudani, K. Goda, T. Woods, S. Graves, and D. Di Carlo, “Inertial manipulation and transfer of microparticles across laminar fluid streams“, Small 8, 2757 (2012)

196.    K. Goda, A. Fard, O. Malik, G. Fu, A. Quach, and B. Jalali, “High-throughput optical coherence tomography at 800 nm“, Optics Express 20, 19612 (2012)

197.    S. H. Kim, K. Goda, A. Fard, and B. Jalali, “An optical time-domain analog pattern correlator for high-speed image recognition”, Optics Letters 36, 220 (2011)

198.    A. Fard, A. Mahjoubfar, K. Goda, D. R. Gossett, D. Di Carlo, and B. Jalali, “Nomarski serial time-encoded amplified microscopy for high-speed contrast-enhanced imaging of transparent media”, Biomedical Optics Express 2, 3387 (2011)

199.    A. Mahjoubfar, K. Goda, A. Ayazi, A. Fard, S. H. Kim, and B. Jalali, “High-speed nanometer-resolved imaging vibrometer and velocimeter”, Applied Physics Letters 98, 101107 (2011)

200.    Z. Tan, C. Wang, K. Goda, and B. Jalali, “Jammed-array wideband sawtooth filter”, Optics Express 19, 24563 (2011)

201.    K. Goda and B. Jalali, “Noise figure of amplified dispersive Fourier transformation”, Physical Review A 82, 033827 (2010)

202.    B. Jalali, D. R. Solli, K. Goda, K. Tsia, and C. Ropers, “Real-time measurements, rare events, and photon economics”, European Journal of Physics Special Topics 185, 145 (2010)

203.    B. Jalali, K. Goda, P. Soon-Shiong, and K. K. Tsia, “Time-stretch imaging and its applications to high-throughput microscopy and microsurgery”, IEEE Photonics Society Newsletter 24, 11 (2010)

204.    B. Jalali, P. Soon-Shiong, and K. Goda, “Breaking speed and sensitivity limits”, Optik & Photonik 2, 32 (2010)

205.    K. K. Tsia, K. Goda, D. Capewell, and B. Jalali, “Performance of serial time-encoded amplified microscope”, Optics Express 18, 10016 (2010)

206.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the VIRGO Collaboration, “Searches for gravitational waves from known pulsars with Science Run 5 LIGO data”, The Astrophysical Journal 713, 671 (2010)

207.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the VIRGO Collaboration, “Search for gravitational-wave bursts associated with gamma-ray bursts using data from LIGO Science Run 5 and VIRGO Science Run 1”, The Astrophysical Journal 715, 1438 (2010)

208.    K. Goda, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali, “Serial time-encoded amplified imaging for real-time observation of fast dynamic phenomena“, Nature 458, 1145 (2009)

209.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the VIRGO Collaboration, “An upper limit on the stochastic gravitational-wave background of cosmological origin“, Nature 460, 990 (2009)

210.    K. Goda, D. R. Solli, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali, “Theory of amplified dispersive Fourier transformation“, Physical Review A 80, 043821 (2009)

211.    K. Goda, A. Mahjoubfar, and B. Jalali, “Demonstration of Raman gain at 800 nm in single-mode fiber and its potential application to biological sensing and imaging”, Applied Physics Letters 95, 251101 (2009)

212.    K. K. Tsia, K. Goda, D. Capewell, and B. Jalali, “Simultaneous mechanical-scan-free confocal microscopy and laser microsurgery”, Optics Letters 34, 2099 (2009)

213.    K. Goda, 「光情報処理を用いた超高速イメージング法」, OptoNews 3, 7 (2009)

214.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “All-sky LIGO search for periodic gravitational waves in the early fifth-science-run data”, Physical Review Letters 102, 111102 (2009)

215.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “LIGO: the laser interferometer gravitational-wave observatory”, Reports on Progress in Physics 72, 076901 (2009)

216.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration,Einstein@Home search for periodic gravitational waves in LIGO S4 data”, Physical Review D 79, 022001 (2009)

217.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Einstein@Home search for periodic gravitational waves in early S5 LIGO data”, Physical Review D 80, 042003 (2009)

218.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for gravitational waves from low mass binary coalescences in the first year of LIGO’s S5 data”, Physical Review D 79, 122001 (2009)

219.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for gravitational waves from low mass compact binary coalescence in 186 days of LIGO’s fifth science run”, Physical Review D 80, 047101 (2009)

220.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for gravitational wave ringdowns from perturbed black holes in LIGO S4 data”, Physical Review D 80, 062001 (2009)

221.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “First LIGO search for gravitational wave bursts from cosmic (super)strings”, Physical Review D 80, 062002 (2009)

222.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for high frequency gravitational-wave bursts in the first calendar year of LIGO’s fifth science run”, Physical Review D 80, 102002 (2009)

223.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for gravitational-wave bursts in the first year of the fifth LIGO science run”, Physical Review D 80, 102001 (2009)

224.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Stacked search for gravitational waves from the 2006 SGR 1900+14 storm”, Astrophysical Journal Letters 701, L68 (2009)

225.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Observation of a kilogram-scale oscillator near its quantum ground state”, New Journal of Physics 11, 073032 (2009)

226.    K. Goda, O. Miyakawa, E. E. Mikhailov, S. Saraf, R. Adhikari, K. McKenzie, R. Ward, S. Vass, A. J. Weinstein, and N. Mavalvala, “A quantum-enhanced prototype gravitational-wave detector“, Nature Physics 4, 472 (2008)

227.    K. Goda, K. K. Tsia, and B. Jalali, “Amplified dispersive Fourier-transform imaging for ultrafast displacement sensing and barcode reading”, Applied Physics Letters 93, 131109 (2008)

228.    K. Goda, D. R. Solli, and B. Jalali, “Real-time optical reflectometry enabled by amplified dispersive Fourier transformation”, Applied Physics Letters 93, 031106 (2008)

229.    K. Goda, E. E. Mikhailov, O. Miyakawa, S. Saraf, S. Vass, A. J. Weinstein, and N. Mavalvala, “Generation of a stable low-frequency squeezed vacuum field with periodically-poled KTiOPO4 at 1064 nm”, Optics Letters 33, 92 (2008)

230.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for gravitational-wave bursts from soft gamma repeaters”, Physical Review Letters 101, 211102 (2008)

231.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for S3 LIGO data for gravitational wave signals from spinning black hole and neutron star binary inspirals”, Physical Review D 78, 042002 (2008)

232.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for gravitational waves from binary inspirals in S3 and S4 LIGO data”, Physical Review D 77, 062002 (2008)

233.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for gravitational waves associated with 39 gamma-ray bursts using data from the second, third, and fourth LIGO runs”, Physical Review D 77, 062004 (2008)

234.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “First cross-correlation analysis of interferometric and resonant-bar gravitational-wave data for stochastic backgrounds”, Physical Review D 77, 022001 (2008)

235.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Implications for the origin of GRB 070201 from LIGO observations”, The Astrophysical Journal 681, 1419 (2008)

236.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Beating the spin-down limit on gravitational wave emission from the Crab Pulsar” Astrophysical Journal Letters 683, L45 (2008)

237.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “A joint search for gravitational wave bursts with AURIGA and LIGO”, Classical and Quantum Gravity 25, 095004 (2008)

238.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “First joint search for gravitational-wave bursts in LIGO and GEO 600 data”, Classical and Quantum Gravity 25, 245008 (2008)

239.    K. Somiya, K. Goda, Y. Chen, and E. E. Mikhailov, “Utility investigation of artificial time delay in displacement-noise-free interferometers”, Physical Review D 76, 022002 (2007)

240.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Searches for periodic gravitational waves from unknown isolated sources and Scorpius X-1: results from the second LIGO science run”, Physical Review D 76, 082001 (2007)

241.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for gravitational wave radiation associated with the pulsating tail of the SGR 1806-20 hyperflare of 27 December 2004 using LIGO”, Physical Review D 76, 062003 (2007)

242.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Upper limits on gravitational wave emission from 78 radio pulsars”, Physical Review D 76, 042001 (2007)

243.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Upper limit map of a background of gravitational waves”, Physical Review D 76, 082003 (2007)

244.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “First cross-correlation analysis of interferometric and resonant-bar gravitational-wave data for stochastic backgrounds”, Physical Review D 76, 022001 (2007)

245.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for gravitational-wave bursts in LIGO data from the fourth science run”, Classical and Quantum Gravity 24, 5343 (2007)

246.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Searching for a stochastic background of gravitational waves with LIGO”, The Astrophysical Journal 659, 918 (2007)

247.    G. Popescu, T. Ikeda, K. Goda, C. A. Best, M. Laposata, S. Manley, R. R. Dasari, K. Badizadegan, and M. Feld, “Optical measurement of cell membrane tension”, Physical Review Letters 97, 218101 (2006)

248.    Y. Chen, A. Pai, K. Somiya, S. Kawamura, S. Sato, K. Kokeyama, R. L. Ward, K. Goda, and E. E. Mikhailov, “Interferometers for displacement-noise-free gravitational-wave detection”, Physical Review Letters 97, 151103 (2006)

249.    E. E. Mikhailov, K. Goda, and N. Mavalvala, “Noninvasive measurements of cavity parameters by use of squeezed vacuum”, Physical Review A 74, 033817 (2006)

250.    E. E. Mikhailov, K. Goda, T. Corbitt, and N. Mavalvala, “Frequency-dependent squeeze-amplitude attenuation and squeeze-angle rotation by electromagnetically induced transparency for gravitational-wave interferometers”, Physical Review A 73, 053810 (2006)

251.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Joint LIGO and TAMA300 search for gravitational waves from inspiralling neutron star binaries”, Physical Review D 73, 102002 (2006)

252.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for gravitational waves from binary black hole inspirals in LIGO data”, Physical Review D 72, 062001 (2006)

253.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for gravitational-wave bursts in LIGO’s third science run”, Classical and Quantum Gravity 23, S29 (2006)

254.    K. McKenzie, E. E. Mikhailov, K. Goda, P. K. Lam, N. Grosse, M. B. Gray, N. Mavalvala, and D. E. McClelland, “Quantum noise locking”, Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 7, S421 (2005)

255.    K. Goda, K. McKenzie, E. E. Mikhailov, P. K. Lam, D. E. McClelland, and N. Mavalvala, “Photothermal fluctuations as a fundamental limit to low-frequency squeezing in a degenerate optical parametric oscillator”, Physical Review A 72, 043819 (2005)

256.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Upper limits on a stochastic background of gravitational waves”, Physical Review Letters 95, 221101 (2005)

257.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Limits on gravitational-wave emission from selected pulsars using LIGO data”, Physical Review Letters 94, 181103 (2005)

258.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for gravitational waves associated with the gamma ray burst GRB030329 using the LIGO detectors”, Physical Review D 72, 042002 (2005)

259.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Upper limits on gravitational wave bursts in LIGO’s second science run”, Physical Review D 72, 062001 (2005)

260.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Upper limits from the LIGO and TAMA detectors on the rate of gravitational-wave bursts”, Physical Review D 72, 122004 (2005)

261.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for gravitational waves from galactic and extra-galactic binary neutron stars”, Physical Review D 72, 082001 (2005)

262.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Search for gravitational waves from primordial black hole binary coalescences in the galactic halo”, Physical Review D 72, 082002 (2005)

263.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “First all-sky upper limits from LIGO on the strength of periodic gravitational waves using the Hough transform”, Physical Review D 72, 102004 (2005)

264.    K. Goda, D. Ottaway, B. Connelly, R. Adhikari, N. Mavalvala, and A. Gretarsson, “Frequency resolving spatiotemporal wavefront sensor”, Optics Letters 29, 1452 (2004)

265.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “First upper limits from LIGO on gravitational wave bursts”, Physical Review D 69, 102001 (2004)

266.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Analysis of LIGO data for gravitational waves from binary neutron stars”, Physical Review D 69, 122001 (2004)

267.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Setting upper limits on the strength of periodic gravitational waves from PSR J1939+2134 using the first science data from the GEO 600 and LIGO detectors”, Physical Review D 69, 082004 (2004)

268.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Analysis of first LIGO science data for stochastic gravitational waves”, Physical Review D 69, 122004 (2004)

269.    The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, “Detector description and performance for the first coincidence observations between LIGO and GEO”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 517, 154 (2004)



林 実加

セレンディピティシンポジウム, 優秀ポスター賞 (2024)

刘 昱宏

セレンディピティシンポジウム, 優秀ポスター賞 (2024)

董 俊余

セレンディピティシンポジウム, チャレンジャーポスター賞 (2024)

西山 諒

セレンディピティシンポジウム, チャレンジャーポスター賞 (2024)

邓 云杰

セレンディピティシンポジウム, イノベーターポスター賞 (2024)

中川 悠太

セレンディピティシンポジウム, フュージョンポスター賞 (2024)

林 実加

SPIE Photonics West, Hitachi High-Tech優秀発表賞 (2024)

唐 旭科 (Cohen)

中華人民共和国, 国家優秀私費留学生奨学金 (2023)

合田 圭介

日本デザイン振興会, グッドデザイン賞 (2023)

菅野 寛志

日本光学会, コニカミノルタ光みらい奨励賞 (2023)

平松 光太郎

日本光学会, 光学論文賞 (2023)

合田 圭介

国際基礎科学大会, Frontiers of Science Award (2023)

長坂 柚葵 (Emma)

化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会, 優秀発表賞 (2023)

张 鸿骞 (Sophy/弘美)

応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 講演奨励賞 (2023)

周 雨奇 (Iris)

量子生命科学会, 若手優秀賞 (2023)

邓 云杰 (Jacey/雲美)

東京大学大学院理学系研究科, 研究奨励賞 (2023)

菅野 寛志

東京大学大学院理学系研究科, 研究奨励賞 (2023)

合田 圭介

米国科学振興協会(AAAS), フェロー (2023)

邓 云杰 (Jacey/雲美)

セレンディピティラボ, セレンディピティ賞 (2022)

石井 夏実

セレンディピティシンポジウム, 優秀ポスター賞 (2022)

松村 洋貴

東京大学フォトンサイエンス国際卓越大学院プログラム 優秀賞 (2022)

周 雨奇 (Iris)

中華人民共和国, 国家優秀私費留学生奨学金 (2022)

滝沢 繁和

27th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy 優秀ポスター賞 (2022)

林 実加

東京大学 3MT Thesis Competition, Runner-Up賞 (2022)

合田 圭介

フンボルト財団, Philipp Franz von Siebold Award (2022)

PETERSON Jorgen Walker (渡)

Photonics Challenge, 最優秀ビジネス賞 (2022)


東京大学大学院理学系研究科, 研究奨励賞 (2022)

中尾 龍二

東京大学大学院理学系研究科, 研究奨励賞 (2022)

PETERSON Jorgen Walker (渡)

NEDO Technology Commercialization Program 優秀賞 (2022)

PETERSON Jorgen Walker (渡)

NEDO Technology Commercialization Program 認定VC賞 (2022)

PETERSON Jorgen Walker (渡)

SPIE Photonics West, Teledyne優秀発表賞 (2022)

周 雨奇 (Iris)

セレンディピティラボ, セレンディピティ賞 (2021)

菅野 寛志

セレンディピティラボ, セレンディピティ賞 (2021)

平松 光太郎

日本分光学会年次講演会, 若手講演賞 (2021)

PETERSON Jorgen Walker (渡)

日本分光学会度年次講演会, 若手講演賞 (2021)

XIAO Tinghui

エヌエフ基金, 研究開発奨励賞 (2021)

亀山 理紗子

日本光学会, コニカミノルタ光みらい奨励賞 (2021)

XIAO Tinghui

日本光学会, 光学論文賞 (2021)


量子生命科学会第3回大会, 優秀講演賞 (2021)

菅野 寛志

量子生命科学会第3回大会, 優秀ポスター賞 (2021)

PETERSON Jorgen Walker (渡)

量子生命科学会第3回大会, 優秀ポスター賞 (2021)

合田 圭介

Royal Society of Chemistry - Dolomite, Pioneers of Miniaturization Lectureship (2021)

中川 悠太

酵母遺伝学フォーラム, 優秀発表賞 (2021)

XIAO Tinghui

量子生命科学会, 若手優秀賞 (2021)

中川 悠太

化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会, 優秀発表賞 (2021)

合田 圭介

双葉電子記念財団, 衞藤細矢記念賞 (2021)

亀山 理紗子

SPIE Photonics West, Teledyne優秀発表賞 (2021)

周 雨奇 (Iris)

SPIE Photonics West, Hitachi High-Tech優秀発表賞 (2021)

XIAO Tinghui

Europhysics Letters, Distinguished Referee Award (2021)

MCCANN Phillip Charles

SPIE Photonics West, PicoQuant Best Picture Award (2021)

磯崎 瑛宏

化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会, 若手優秀賞 (2021)

Phillip Charles McCann

東京大学大学院理学系研究科, 研究奨励賞 (2021)

合田 圭介

SPIE Biophotonics Technology Innovator Award (2021)

三上 秀治

応用物理学会, フォトニクス奨励賞 (2020)

亀山 理紗子

分子科学会, 学生優秀講演賞 (2020)


セレンディピティシンポジウム, 優秀ポスター賞 (2020)

荒木 武人

セレンディピティシンポジウム, 優秀ポスター賞 (2020)

平松 光太郎

エヌエフ基金, 研究開発特別賞 (2020)

中川 悠太

東京大学 3MT Thesis Competition, 最優秀賞 (2020)

合田 圭介

文部科学大臣表彰, 科学技術賞 (2020)

田島 達矢

東京大学理学部化学科, 学科長賞 (2020)

周 雨奇 (Iris)

SPIE Photonics West, Hamamatsu優秀発表賞 (2020)


SPIE Photonics West, Hitach High-Tech優秀発表賞 (2020)

松村 洋貴

東京大学フォトンサイエンス国際卓越大学院プログラム 優秀賞 (2020)

菅野 寛志

東京大学フォトンサイエンス国際卓越大学院プログラム 優秀賞 (2020)

中川 悠太

東京大学大学院理学系研究科, 研究奨励賞 (2020)

合田 圭介

Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow (2020)

磯崎 瑛宏

コニカミノルタ科学技術振興財団, 画像科学連携賞 (2020)

PETERSON Jorgen Walker (渡)

Student Conference on Light, ベストオーラルプレゼンテーション賞 (2019)

平松 光太郎

応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 講演奨励賞 (2019)

中川 悠太

セレンディピティシンポジウム, 優秀ポスター賞 (2019)

吴 云昭

セレンディピティシンポジウム, 優秀ポスター賞 (2019)

徐 木貞

セレンディピティシンポジウム, 優秀ポスター賞 (2019)

三上 秀治

日本光学会, 光学論文賞 (2019)

合田 圭介

米国化学会, Analytical Chemistry Young Innovator Award (2019)

合田 圭介

Light: Science & Applications, Outstanding Reviewer Award (2019)

磯崎 瑛宏

化学とマイクロ・ナノシステム学会, 優秀研究賞 (2019)

平松 光太郎

日本化学会年次講演会, 優秀発表賞 (2019)

周 雨奇 (Iris)

量子生命科学会第1回大会, 優秀ポスター賞 (2019)

合田 圭介

読売テクノフォーラム, ゴールドメダル (2019)

XIAO Tinghui

中華人民共和国, 国家優秀私費留学生奨学金 (2019)

木下川 涼

東京大学大学院理学系研究科, 研究奨励賞 (2019)

平松 光太郎

SPIE Photonics West, 優秀発表賞 (2019)

三上 秀治

SPIE Photonics West, 優秀発表賞 (2019)

合田 圭介

日本学士院, 学術奨励賞 (2019)

三上 秀治

コニカミノルタ科学技術振興財団, 画像科学奨励賞 (2019)

合田 圭介

ICHSIP Congress, NAC High-Speed Imaging Award (2018)

合田 圭介

市村清新技術財団, 市村学術賞 (2018)

磯崎 瑛宏

フォトロン社, フォトロン賞 (2018)

合田 圭介

IMCO Conference, Young Scientist Award (2018)

磯崎 瑛宏

ISAC Cytometry Art Contest, 最優秀賞 (2018)

合田 圭介

応用物理学会, 高野榮一賞 (2018)

合田 圭介

日本学術振興会, 日本学術振興会賞 (2018)

平松 光太郎

宇部興産学術振興財団, 奨励賞 (2017)

合田 圭介

SPIE, Fellow (2018)

木下川 涼

UTokyo1000k商品アイディアコンテスト, 最優秀賞 (2017)

三上 秀治

日本光学会, 光設計特別賞 (2017)

LEI Cheng

日本光学会, 光学論文賞 (2017)

合田 圭介

WIRED Magazine, WIRED Audi Innovation Award (2016)

LEI Cheng

SPIE Photonics West, 優秀論文賞 (2016)

合田 圭介

IEEE Photonics Society, Distinguished Lecturers Award (2015)

合田 圭介

文部科学大臣表彰, 若手科学者賞 (2014)


























