goda@chem.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp +81-3-5841-4329

We encourage every member of Goda Lab to make inventions and launch startups based on the inventions. The University of Tokyo provides various types of support for entrepreneurs and university-originated startups, such as entrepreneurship education, financial support, and incubation facilities. In the past decade, Goda Lab members and collaborators have helped launch four startups: CYBO, Cupido, LucasLand, and FlyWorks. We aim to continue to launch startups based on our research outcomes.


Invention-based entrepreneurship

  • Field leaders: Tianben Ding, Hiroshi Kanno, Yuqi Zhou, Jorgen Walker Peterson, Yasutaka Kitahama, Fabio Lisi
  • Funding: JSPS Core-to-Core Program, White Rock Foundation
  • Collaboration: Serendipity Lab