Registration & Abstract submission

Registration fees
For Japanese participants
両会議にご参加希望の方は こちら からご登録ください。別途ASNANO2018から登録する必要はありません。

For participants requiring VISA
If you need an invitation letter to request a visa, please send an email to asnano2018 office with subject “ASNANO 2018 Invitation letter request for visa” and include the notification email about the acceptance of your paper as an attachment. 

Symposium only
in advanceon site
Regular member*¥ 35,000¥ 6,000¥ 50,000¥ 10,000
Student member*¥ 10,000¥ 3,000
Regular¥ 45,000¥ 6,000
Student¥ 15,000¥ 3,000
* Member of the Society of Nano Science and Technology (Application for the Membership: 会員登録)

Registration form

Registration is closed on Feb. 23rd, 2018.
Deadline of registration is extended to Apr. 20th, 2018.

Abstract submission
・Deadline of the submission is also Feb. 23rd, 2018.
・Deadline of the submission is extended to Mar. 2nd, 2018.
・Prepare your abstract using LaTeX or Word (Word template provided below).
    Template of asnano2018 abstract
・Convert the abstract to PDF (maximum size of 5MB)
・Send your abstract as PDF attached to the e-mail