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●柏移管雑誌リスト(平成24年度  *柏図書館で利用できるようになるのは2013年3月末以降です。

タイトル 巻号 刊年 電子ジャーナル
Analytica chimica acta 82-88,104-149,151-203,258-358,359(1-2),
Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology 7 2006-2006薬図
Chemistry & biodiversity 1-3 2004-2006薬図
Chemphyschem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry 7 2006-2006薬図
Chemsuschem 1 2008-2008薬図、生産研
Journal of molecular spectroscopy 22-216 1967-2002理・物理、薬図、物性研
Journal of molecular structure 5(4),11(1),14(3),26-42,45-49,51-125,127-145,147-323,324(3),
Theochem 1-122;330-343,357-371,386-401,417-434,451-469,
Polyhedron : the international journal for inorganic and organometallic chemistry 4-23 1985-2004 
Review of scientific instruments 70-73 1999-2002理・物理、工6、工2・電気、地震研、物性研、生産研
Talanta 59(3-6),60-64 2003-2004工5・化学系



Acta crystallographica. Sect. A, Crystal physics, diffraction, theoretical and general crystallography31-35,36(1-6)1975-1980 
Acta crystallographica. Sect. B, Structural science56-582000-2002理・地質、鉱物
Acta crystallographica. Sect. C, Crystal structure communications56-582000-2002理・地質、鉱物
Acta crystallographica. Sect. D, Biological crystallography49-531993-1997養自図、理鉱物
Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. Sect. A, Inorganic chemistry79-851982-1988海洋研
Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. Sect. B, Organic chemistry79-851982-1988 
Annual reports on the progress of chemistry. Sect. C, Physical chemistry79-80,82-851982-1988海洋研
Applied spectroscopy24-50,51(2-12),52-56,57(1-5)1970-2003工5・化学系
Biosensors & bioelectronics : an international journal5-9,10(1-10),11-17,18,19(1-5,8-12),20-211990-2005農図
Chemtech : the innovator's magazine15-231985-1993工5・化学系
Inorganic and nuclear chemistry letters1-2,8-91965-1973 
Inorganic and nuclear chemistry letters including bio-inorganic chemistry10-171974-1981 
Israel journal of chemistry13(4-6),21,22(2-3),24(2-6),25(1,3-6),27-30,31(1-3)1975-1991理・物理
Journal de chimie physique et de physico-chimie biologique / Societe de chimie-physique36-41,43-46,48-57,59-601939-1963養・自
Journal of organometallic chemistry1-123,184-2811963-1985工5・化学系
Journal of photochemistry1-391972-1987 
Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. A, Chemistry40-1531987-2002物性研
Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology1(1),2-591987-2000 
Journal of vacuum science and technology1-31964-1966物性研
Journal of vacuum science & technology. 2nd series. A, Vacuum, surfaces, and films1-201983-2002工6・物計
Journal of vacuum science & technology. 2nd series B, Microelectronics processing and phenomena1-81983-1990工2・物計
Journal of vacuum science & technology. 2nd series. B, Microelectronics and nanometer structures, processing, measurement and phenomena9-201991-2002工6・物計
Kolloid-Beihefte : Monographien zur reinen und angewandten Kolloidwissenschaft49-511939-1940 
Kolloid-Zeitschrift & Zeitschrift für Polymere207,250(4)1965-1972 
Mikrochimica acta : Archiv für Mikrochemie, Spurenanalyse und physikalisch-chemische Mikromethoden125-136,137(1-2)1997-2001 
Monatshefte für Chemie99-1101968-1979薬学
Monatshefte fur Chemie und verwandte Teile anderer Wissenschaften1-4,6-35,37,62-73,78-84,96-981880-1967 
Phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon and the related elements41-1071989-1995 
Phosphorus and sulfur and the related elements1-401976-1988 
Physical review. 3rd series. B, Condensed matter23(1-2)1981-1981 
Spectrochimica acta1-10,12-171941-1965工5・化学系、物性研
Spectrochimica acta. A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy51-561995-2000工5・化学系
Spectrochimica acta. A, Molecular spectroscopy32(),33-501976-1994工5・化学系
Spectrochimica acta. B, Atomic spectroscopy30-551975-2000工5・化学系
Spectroscopy letters8-13,14(1-4),35,36(1-2)1975-2003農図
Structure reports9-13,15-291942-1964養自図
Structure reports. A (v. 36: index)30-35,37-52,55-561965-1989 
Structure reports. B (v. 36: index)30-34,37-46,481965-1981 
Synthetic communications24-301994-2000 
Vibrational spectroscopy1-24,25(1)1990-2001 



Annales de chimie et de physique. Ser 4 19-291870-1873
Applied optics19-201971-1981
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society7(3), 8-9, 10(1-3,5-6), 11(1-2,4-6), 12-14, 15(1,3-12), 16-171986-1996
Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University59-72, 73(1)1953-1995
Chimika chronika. New series = Χημικα χρουικα. Νεα σειρα (Chemika chronika. Nea Seira)1-3, 4(2-3), 5-15, 16(1,3-4), 17-21, 22(1,4), 23-261972-1997
Fortschrittsberichte uber Kolloide und Polymere551971
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta9-10, 49(5-7)1956-1985
Inorganica chimica acta : quarterly journal with an interantional panel of referees1-7, 8(1-2), 9-251967-1977
Inorganica chimica acta reviews : yearly international journal2-71968-1973
International journal of mass spectrometry and ion physics1-531968-1983
International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes54-631983-1985
Japanese journal of chemistry : transactions and abstracts4(1)1929
Journal of colloid science2-121947-1957
Journal of electron spectroscopy and related phenomena1-33, 34(1,3-4), 351972-1985
Journal of the Optical Society of America48-51(10), 55, 65-70(1-6), 711958-1981
Organometallic chemistry reviews1-31966-1968
Organometallic chemistry reviews. Sect. A, Subject reviews4-81969-1972
Organometallic chemistry reviews. Sect. B, Annual surveys5-101969-1974
Journal of physical organic chemistry1-5, 6(1-5,7-12), 7(1-3,5-12), 8(1), 13(1-5,7-12)1988-2000
Journal of the Soceirty of Chemical Industry, Japan29(1-3), 30-311926-1929
Molecular physics1-321958-1976
Nature月刊ダイジェスト. 日本語編集版12004
Optics and spectroscopy161959-1976
Physical review abstracts2(1-5), 6-7, 8(1-6)1971-1977
Radiochimica acta : international journal for Chemical Aspects of Nuclear Science and Technology1-11, 12(1,3-4), 13-18, 19(1,3-4), 20(1-3), 28-68, 69(1-3), 70-751962-1996
Reviews of modern physic191947
The Review of physical chemistry of Japan11, 12(1,3), 13-14, 16(1,3), 22, 321937-1974
Scientific papers of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research421944-1947
Theoretica chimica acta1-121962-1979
Журнал общей химии (Journal of general chemistry of the U.S.S.R. ; Romanized title: Zhurnal obshchei khimii)20(9), 241950-1973
Известия Академии наук СССР. Отделение химических наук (Izvestiia Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdelenie khimicheskikh nauk)1955(4-6), 1956-19571955-1957
Кинетика и катализ (Kinetika I kataliz)30-33, 35-361989-1995
Реферативный журнал. Химия (Referativnyi zhurnal. Khimiia)1958(1-7,9-24), 1959(1-12), 1960-1967, 1968(1-8)1958-1968
Успехи химии (Uspekhi Khimii)39-421960-1965
化学工業資料 / 東京工業試験所紫光会1(2-4), 2-3, 4(2-4), 5(2), 6(1,3-4), 8(3-4), 9(1,3-4), 10(2-4), 11(1-2,4), 12(1-4)1928-1939
東工試ニュース化学工業資料1(5), 2(5), 3(12)1967-1970
化學綜報1-2, 51941-1943
学術の動向 : JSCニュース3-11, 12(1-3)2001-2007
東京帝国大学航空研究所彙報84-85, 87-94, 96-102, 104-115, 117-124, 197-199, 201-213, 215-2201929-1942
