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東京大学大学院理学系研究科科学専攻および理化学研究所で、脂質可視化分析技術の研究を行い、Massachusetts Institute of Technologyにて脳神経細胞のイメージングを基に記憶の研究に従事した。


2015年度より立ち上がった、「画期的医薬品等の創出をめざす脂質の生理活性と機能の解明」のAMED-PRIME 研究員として東京大学総合文化研究科において研究を行った後、東京大学理学部化学科分析化学研究室において、光遺伝学、生体内イメージングを軸にした、脂質の記憶に関する研究、および、がんの転移巣形成メカニズムの研究を遂行している。

東京大学理学部化学科 卒業
東京大学大学院理学系研究科修士課程化学専攻修了(指導教官 梅澤喜夫教授)
東京大学大学院理学系研究科博士課程化学専攻修了(指導教官 梅澤喜夫教授)
独立行政法人理化学研究所、 小林脂質生物学研究室 協力研究員
独立行政法人理化学研究所、 小林脂質生物学研究室 日本学術振興会特別研究員
MIT, Picower Institute
興奮性シナプス可塑性研究チーム 研究員
記憶メカニズム研究室 研究員
記憶メカニズム研究室 基礎化学特別研究員
金沢医科大学免疫内科学 特定助教
AMED-PRIME研究員 (獨協医科大学・非常勤講師、健康長寿医療センター・協力研究員)
東京大学大学院理学系研究科化学専攻 特任研究員
  • 分析化学
  • 脂質生物学
  • 神経科学
  • バイオイメージング
  • 光遺伝学
  • 脂質
  • イノシトールリン脂質
  • 記憶
  • 蛍光共鳴エネルギー移動(FRET)
  • 蛍光寿命
  • 2光子顕微鏡
  • シナプス
  • がん
  • Mechanistic insights into cancer drug resistance through optogenetic PI3K signaling hyperactivation.
    Y. Ueda*, Y. Miura, N. Tomishige, N. Sugimoto, M. Murase, G. Kawamura, N. Sasaki, T. Ishiwata, and T. Ozawa*,
    Cell Chem. Biol., in press
  • Increased spine PIP3 is sequestered from dendritic shafts.
    Y. Ueda, N. Sugimoto and T. Ozawa,
    Mol. Brain, 15, 59 (2022). doi: 10.1186/s13041-022-00944-5.
  • Sphingomyelin localization in the intestinal crypt surface.
    Y. Ueda, M. Abe, T. Ishiwata and T. Ozawa,
    Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.., 611, 14–18 (2022).. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2022.03.128
  • Deficiency of sphingomyelin synthase 2 prolongs survival by inhibition of lymphoma infiltration through ICAM-1 reduction
    Taniguchi M, Ueda Y, Matsushita M, Nagaya S, Hashizume C, Arai K, Kabayama K, Fukase K, Watanabe K, Hayashi K, Okazaki T.,
    FASEB J., Accepted, 201901783RR(2019).
  • Establishment and characterization of a novel neuroendocrine carcinoma cell line derived from a human ascending colon tumor
    Shinji S, Sasaki N, Yamada T, Koizumi M, Ohta R. Matsuda A, Yokoyama Y, Takahashi G, Hotta M, Hara K, Takeda K, Ueda K, Kuriyama S, Ishiwata T, Ueda Y, Murakami T, Kanazawa Y, Yoshida H.,
    Cancer Sci, 110, 3708-3717(2019).
  • Corticosterone inhibits the expression of cannabinoid receptor-1 and cannabinoid receptor agonist-induced decrease in cell viability in glioblastoma cells.
    Sugimoto N, Ishibashi H, Ueda Y, Nakamura H, Yachie A, Ohno-Shosaku T.,
    Oncol Lett., 2019 Aug;18(2):1557-1563.
  • A split CRISPR-Cpf1 platform for inducible genome editing and gene activation.
    Nihongaki Y, Otabe T, Ueda Y, Sato M.,
    Nat Chem Biol., 2019 Sep;15(9):882-888.
  • Protein Engineering of Dual-Cys Cyanobacteriochrome AM1_1186g2 for Biliverdin Incorporation and Far-Red/Blue Reversible Photoconversion.
    Kuwasaki Y, Miyake K, Fushimi K, Takeda Y, Ueda Y, Nakajima T, Ikeuchi M, Sato M, Narikawa R.,
    Int J Mol Sci., 2019 Jun 15;20(12).
  • Rational conversion of chromophore selectivity of cyanobacteriochromes to accept mammalian intrinsic biliverdin.
    Fushimi K, Miyazaki T, Kuwasaki Y, Nakajima T, Yamamoto T, Suzuki K, Ueda Y, Miyake K, Takeda Y, Choi JH, Kawagishi H, Park EY, Ikeuchi M, Sato M, Narikawa R.,
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116, 8301-8309(2019).
  • Yamamoto S, Iwamaru Y, Shimizu Y, Ueda Y, Sato M, Yamaguchi K, Nakanishi J.
    Epidermal growth factor-nanoparticle conjugates change the activity from anti-apoptotic to pro-apoptotic at membrane rafts.
    Acta Biomater. 2019 Feb 19. pii: S1742-7061(19)30139-4.
  • Heat attenuates sensitivity of mammalian cells to capsaicin.
    Sugimoto N, Matsuzaki K, Katakura M, Nakamura H, Ueda Y, Yachie A, Shido O.
    J Biochem Mol Toxicol. 2019 Jan 23:e22288.
  • Ueda Y (Corresponding author), Ii T, Aono Y, Sugimoto N, Shinji S, Yoshida H, Sato M.
    Membrane dynamics induced by a PIP3 optogenetic tool.
    Anal Sci. 2018 Nov 2. doi: 10.2116/analsci.
  • Shinji S, Ueda Y † (†Co-first author, Co-corresponding author), Yamada T, Koizumi M, Yokoyama Y, Takahashi G, Hotta M, Iwai T, Hara K, Takeda K, Okusa M, Kan H, Uchida E, Yoshida H.
    Male sex and history of ischemic heart disease are major risk factors for anastomotic leakage after laparoscopic anterior resection in patients with rectal cancer
    BMC Gastroenterol. 2018 Jul 17;18(1):117.
  • Ueda Y*, Ishiwata T, Shinji S, Arai T, Matsuda Y, Aida J, Sugimoto N, Okazaki T, Kikuta J, Ishii M, Sato M. (*Corresponding author)
    In vivo imaging of T cell lymphoma infiltration process at the colon
    Scientific Reports, (2018) Mar 5;8(1):3978.
  • Shinji S, Ueda Y, Yamada T, Koizumi M, Yokoyama Y, Takahashi G, Hotta M, Iwai T, Hara K, Takeda K, Okusa M, Kan H, Uchida E.
    Combined use of preoperative lymphocyte counts and the post/preoperative lymphocyte count ratio as a prognostic marker of recurrence after curative resection of stage II colon cancer
    Oncotarget., (2017) Dec 20;9(2):2553-2564.
  • Furuya A, Kawano F, Nakajima T, Ueda Y, Sato M.
    Assembly domain-based optogenetic system for the efficient control of cellular signaling.
    ACS Synthetic Biology, (2017) doi: 10.1021/acssynbio.7b00022.
  • Taniguchi M, Tasaki T, Ninomiya H, Ueda Y, Kuremoto KI, Mitsutake S, Igarashi Y, Okazaki T, Takegami T.
    Sphingomyelin generated by sphingomyelin synthase 1 is involved in attachment and infection with Japanese encephalitis virus.
    Scientific Reports, 6:37829 (2016)
  • Yu G, Onodera H, Aono Y, Kawano F, Ueda Y, Furuya A, Suzuki H, Sato M.
    Optical manipulation of the alpha subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins using photoswitchable dimerization systems
    Scientific Reports, 6:35777 (2016)
  • Ueda Y, Ogiso H, Sato M, Umezawa Y, Okazaki T, Kobayashi T.
    Asymmetrical diacylglycerol dynamics at the cytosolic and lumenal sides of a single endomembrane in living cells
    Scientific Reports, 5:12960 (2015)
  • Takagishi T, Oda M, Kabura M, Kurosawa M, Tominaga K, Urano S, Ueda Y, Kobayashi K, Kobayashi T, Sakurai J, Terao Y, Nagahama M.
    Clostridium perfringens Alpha-Toxin Induces Gm1a Clustering and Trka Phosphorylation in the Host Cell Membrane.
    PLoS One, 10(4):e0120497 (2015)
  • Ogiso H, Taniguchi M, Araya S, Aoki S, Wardhani LO, Yamashita Y, Ueda Y, Okazaki T.
    Comparative Analysis of Biological Sphingolipids with Glycerophospholipids and Diacylglycerol by LC-MS/MS
    Metabolites, 4, 98-114 (2014)
  • Ueda Y* (*Corresponding author) and Hayashi Y.
    PIP3 Regulates Spinule Formation in Dendritic Spines during Structural Long-Term Potentiation.
    Journal of Neuroscience, Vol.33, No.27, 11040-7 (2013).
  • Ueda Y, Makino A, Murase-Tamada K, Sakai S, Inaba T, Hullin-Matsuda F, Kobayashi T.
    Sphingomyelin regulates the transbilayer movement of diacylglycerol in the plasma membrane of Madin-Darby canine kidney cells.
    FASEB Journal, Vol.27, No.8, 3284-3297. (2013).
  • Sato M†, Ueda Y† (†Co-first author), Umezawa Y.
    Imaging diacylglycerol dynamics at organelle membranes.
    Nature Methods, vol3, No 10, 797 - 799. (2006).
  • Sato M, Ueda Y, Shibuya M and Umezawa Y.
    Locating Inositol 1,4,5-Triphosphate in the Nucleus and Neuronal Dendrites with
    Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Indicators.
    Analytical Chemistry, 77, No.15, 4751-4758. (2005)
  • Sato M†, Ueda Y† (†Co-first author), Takagi T, Umezawa Y.
    Production of PtdInsP3 at endomembranes is triggered by receptor endocytosis.
    Nature Cell Biology, 5, 1016 - 1022. (2003).
  • Ueda Y, Sato M.
    Induction of signal transduction using non-channelrhodopsin-type optogenetic tools
    Chembiochem., (2018) doi: 10.1002/cbic.201700635.
  • Ueda Y, Sato M.
    Cell membrane dynamics induction using optogenetic tools.
    Biochem Biophys Res Commun., (2017) Nov 16. pii: S0006-291X(17)32269-6.
  • Ueda Y, Ishitsuka R, Hullin-Matsuda F, Kobayashi T.
    Regulation of the transbilayer movement of diacylglycerol in the plasma membrane 
    Biochimie, 107 Pt A:43-50. (2014)
  • Ueda Y*(*Corresponding author).
    The role of phosphoinositides in synapse function
    Molecular Neurobiology, 50(3):821-38. (2014)
  • Ueda Y, Kwok S. and Hayashi Y.
    Application of FRET probes in the analysis of neuronal plasticity.
    Frontiers in Neural Circuits, Vol.7, No.163, 1-19 (2013).